Region Config Section
The [regions]
section of a configuration file contains options related
to regions either defined in MPAS components’ online analysis or determined
within MPAS-Analysis using region mask files:
## options related to ocean regions used in several analysis modules
# list of region names (needs to be in the same order as region indices in
# time-series stats)
regionShortNames = ['arctic', 'equatorial', 'so', 'nino3', 'nino4', 'nino3.4',
# list of full names (e.g. for plot titles) same order as regionShortNames
regionNames = ['Arctic', 'Equatorial (15S-15N)', 'Southern Ocean', 'Nino 3',
'Nino 4', 'Nino 3.4', 'Global Ocean']
MPAS-Ocean currently has hard coded into its online analysis 7 regions in a
fixed order, as given in the regions
option. This should not be altered
unless corresponding changes to the MPAS-Ocean code have been made.
The corresponding plotTitles
can be modified as desired to update how
these regions are named in plot titles and in gallery names on the resulting
web page.
Region Groups
Currently, eight analysis tasks (climatologyMapAntarcticMelt,
hovmollerOceanRegions, oceanRegionalProfiles,
regionalTSDiagrams, streamfunctionMOC,
oceanHistogram, timeSeriesAntarcticMelt, and
timeSeriesOceanRegions) use masks that define regions in an MPAS
mesh as part of their analysis. Most of these region group are defined in
Several tasks (hovmollerOceanRegions, oceanHistogram,
oceanRegionalProfiles, regionalTSDiagrams, and
timeSeriesOceanRegions) can use any of the defined region groups.
Currently, available region groups are: Artic Ocean Regions
, Antarctic Regions
ISMIP6 Greenland Regions
, Ocean Basins
, Ice Shelves
, and Ocean Subbasins
The option regionMaskSubdirectory
in the [diagnostics]
section specifies
the path to cached mask files for these region groups, typically
. Region masks for common MPAS Ocean
and Seaice meshes are supplied as part of the data from the
E3SM public data repository
(see the Quick Start Guide).
If masks for for a given grid don’t already exist in the cached mask location,
they will be generated automatically from the aggregation function from the
package, see
Aggregate Existing Features.
The mask data will be stored in a geojson file with the region group’s prefix
and date stamp (e.g. iceShelves20200621.geojson
). Then, masks on the MPAS
Ocean and Seaice mesh will be computed, a process that can be time consuming for
large meshes. To generate the masks in advance (using threading to speed up the
process), see the example utility script utility_scripts/