Source code for compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.mesh.so12to60

import mpas_tools.mesh.creation.mesh_definition_tools as mdt
import numpy as np
from geometric_features import read_feature_collection
from mpas_tools.cime.constants import constants
from mpas_tools.mesh.creation.signed_distance import (

from compass.mesh import QuasiUniformSphericalMeshStep

[docs] class SO12to60BaseMesh(QuasiUniformSphericalMeshStep): """ A step for creating SO12to60 meshes """ def setup(self): """ Add some input files """ self.add_input_file(filename='atlantic.geojson', package=self.__module__) self.add_input_file(filename='high_res_region.geojson', package=self.__module__) super().setup()
[docs] def build_cell_width_lat_lon(self): """ Create cell width array for this mesh on a regular latitude-longitude grid Returns ------- cellWidth : numpy.array m x n array of cell width in km lon : numpy.array longitude in degrees (length n and between -180 and 180) lat : numpy.array longitude in degrees (length m and between -90 and 90) """ dlon = 0.1 dlat = dlon earth_radius = constants['SHR_CONST_REARTH'] nlon = int(360. / dlon) + 1 nlat = int(180. / dlat) + 1 lon = np.linspace(-180., 180., nlon) lat = np.linspace(-90., 90., nlat) cellWidthSouth = mdt.EC_CellWidthVsLat(lat, cellWidthEq=30., cellWidthMidLat=45., cellWidthPole=45., latPosEq=7.5, latWidthEq=3.0) cellWidthNorth = mdt.EC_CellWidthVsLat(lat, cellWidthEq=30., cellWidthMidLat=60., cellWidthPole=35., latPosEq=7.5, latWidthEq=3.0) # Transition at Equator latTransition = 0.0 latWidthTransition = 2.5 cellWidthVsLat = mdt.mergeCellWidthVsLat( lat, cellWidthSouth, cellWidthNorth, latTransition, latWidthTransition) _, cellWidth = np.meshgrid(lon, cellWidthVsLat) cellWidthAtlantic = mdt.EC_CellWidthVsLat(lat, cellWidthEq=30., cellWidthMidLat=30., cellWidthPole=35., latPosEq=7.5, latWidthEq=3.0) cellWidthAtlantic = mdt.mergeCellWidthVsLat( lat, cellWidthSouth, cellWidthAtlantic, latTransition, latWidthTransition) _, cellWidthAtlantic = np.meshgrid(lon, cellWidthAtlantic) fc = read_feature_collection('atlantic.geojson') atlantic_signed_distance = signed_distance_from_geojson( fc, lon, lat, earth_radius, max_length=0.25) trans_width = 400e3 trans_start = 0. weights = 0.5 * (1 + np.tanh((atlantic_signed_distance - trans_start) / trans_width)) cellWidth = cellWidthAtlantic * (1 - weights) + cellWidth * weights fc = read_feature_collection('high_res_region.geojson') so_signed_distance = signed_distance_from_geojson(fc, lon, lat, earth_radius, max_length=0.25) # Equivalent to 20 degrees latitude trans_width = 1600e3 trans_start = 500e3 dx_min = 12. weights = 0.5 * (1 + np.tanh((so_signed_distance - trans_start) / trans_width)) cellWidth = dx_min * (1 - weights) + cellWidth * weights return cellWidth, lon, lat