Source code for compass.ocean.tests.hurricane.lts.init.topographic_wave_drag

import os

import netCDF4
import numpy as np
from mpas_tools.logging import check_call
from scipy import interpolate

from compass.step import Step

[docs] class ComputeTopographicWaveDrag(Step): """ A step for computing the topographic wave drag forcing term Attributes ---------- rinv_file : str Name of file for rinv data output_file : str Output file with topographic wave drag data self.grid_file : str Name of mesh file """
[docs] def __init__(self, test_case, mesh): """ Create the step Parameters ---------- test_case : compass.ocean.tests.hurricane.lts.init.Init The test case this step belongs to mesh : compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.mesh.Mesh The test case that creates the mesh used by this test case """ super().__init__(test_case=test_case, name='topodrag', ntasks=1, min_tasks=1, openmp_threads=1) self.rinv_file = '' self.forcing_file = '' self.grid_file = '' self.add_input_file( filename=self.rinv_file, target='', database='initial_condition_database') mesh_path = mesh.steps['cull_mesh'].path self.add_input_file( filename='', work_dir_target=f'{mesh_path}/') self.add_output_file(filename=self.forcing_file)
[docs] def interpolate_data_to_grid(self, grid_file, data_file, var): """ Interpolate time snaps of gridded data field to MPAS mesh """ # Open files data_nc = netCDF4.Dataset(data_file, 'r') grid_nc = netCDF4.Dataset(grid_file, 'r') # Get grid from data file lon_data = data_nc.variables['Longitude'][:] lat_data = data_nc.variables['Latitude'][:] time = data_nc.variables['MT'][:] nsnaps = time.size # Get grid from grid file lonEdge = grid_nc.variables['lonEdge'][:] latEdge = grid_nc.variables['latEdge'][:] lon_grid = np.mod(lonEdge + np.pi, 2.0 * np.pi) - np.pi lon_grid = lon_grid * 180.0 / np.pi lat_grid = latEdge * 180.0 / np.pi grid_points = np.column_stack((lon_grid, lat_grid)) nEdges = lon_grid.size interp_data = np.zeros((nsnaps, nEdges)) # Get data to interpolate data = data_nc.variables[var][:] # Interpolate data onto new grid interpolator = interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator((lon_data, lat_data), 1 / data[0, :, :].T, bounds_error=False, fill_value=None, method='nearest') interp_data[0, :] = interpolator(grid_points) return interp_data
[docs] def write_to_file(self, filename, data, var): """ Write data to netCDF file """ if os.path.isfile(filename): data_nc = netCDF4.Dataset(filename, 'a', format='NETCDF3_64BIT_OFFSET') else: data_nc = netCDF4.Dataset(filename, 'w', format='NETCDF3_64BIT_OFFSET') # Find dimesions nedges = data.shape[1] # Declare dimensions data_nc.createDimension('nEdges', nedges) data_nc.createDimension('StrLen', 64) # Set variables data_var = data_nc.createVariable(var, np.float64, ('nEdges')) data_var[:] = data[:] data_nc.close()
[docs] def run(self): """ Run this step of the test case """ if os.path.isfile(self.forcing_file): check_call(['rm', self.forcing_file], logger=self.logger) # Interpolation of topographic wave drag rinv_interp = self.interpolate_data_to_grid(self.grid_file, self.rinv_file, 'rinv') self.write_to_file(self.forcing_file, rinv_interp, 'topographic_wave_drag')