Source code for compass.ocean.tests.hurricane.lts.mesh.lts_regions

import math
import os

import netCDF4 as nc
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from import write_netcdf
from mpas_tools.viz.paraview_extractor import extract_vtk
from shapely.geometry import Point
from shapely.geometry.polygon import Polygon

from compass.step import Step

[docs] class LTSRegionsStep(Step): """ A step for adding LTS regions to a global MPAS-Ocean mesh Attributes ---------- cull_mesh_step : compass.ocean.mesh.cull.CullMeshStep The culled mesh step containing input files to this step """
[docs] def __init__(self, test_case, cull_mesh_step, num_interface_adjacent, name='lts_regions', subdir='lts_regions'): """ Create a new step Parameters ---------- test_case : compass.Testcase The test case this step belongs to cull_mesh_step : compass.ocean.mesh.cull.CullMeshStep The culled mesh step containing input files to this step name : str, optional the name of the step subdir : str, optional the subdirectory for the step. The default is ``name`` """ super().__init__(test_case, name=name, subdir=subdir) for file in ['', '']: self.add_output_file(filename=file) self.cull_mesh_step = cull_mesh_step self.num_interface_adjacent = num_interface_adjacent
[docs] def setup(self): """ Set up the test case in the work directory, including downloading any dependencies. """ super().setup() self.lts_fine_regions_file = '' self.add_input_file( filename=self.lts_fine_regions_file, target=self.lts_fine_regions_file, database='hurricane') cull_path = self.cull_mesh_step.path tgt1 = os.path.join(cull_path, '') self.add_input_file(filename='', work_dir_target=tgt1) tgt2 = os.path.join(cull_path, '') self.add_input_file(filename='', work_dir_target=tgt2)
[docs] def run(self): """ Run this step of the test case """ file_name = self.lts_fine_regions_file fine_rgn = nc.Dataset(file_name, 'r', format='NETCDF4_64BIT') region = 'east_us_coast' if region == 'east_us_coast': east_us_coast = fine_rgn.variables['east_us_coast_pts'][:, :] fine_region = Polygon(east_us_coast) elif region == 'western_atlantic': western_atlantic = fine_rgn.variables['western_atlantic_pts'][:, :] fine_region = Polygon(western_atlantic) elif region == 'delaware_coast': delaware_coast = fine_rgn.variables['delaware_coast_pts'][:, :] fine_region = Polygon(delaware_coast) use_progress_bar = self.log_filename is None label_mesh(fine_region, mesh='', graph_info='', num_interface=2, num_interface_adjacent=self.num_interface_adjacent, logger=self.logger, use_progress_bar=use_progress_bar)
[docs] def label_mesh(fine_region, mesh, graph_info, num_interface, # noqa: C901 num_interface_adjacent, logger, use_progress_bar): # read in mesh data ds = xr.open_dataset(mesh) n_cells = ds['nCells'].size n_edges = ds['nEdges'].size area_cell = ds['areaCell'].values cells_on_edge = ds['cellsOnEdge'].values edges_on_cell = ds['edgesOnCell'].values lat_cell = ds['latCell'] lon_cell = ds['lonCell'] # start by setting all cells to coarse lts_rgn = [2] * n_cells # check each cell, if in the fine region, label as fine'Labeling fine cells...') for icell in range(0, n_cells): cell_pt = Point(lat_cell[icell], lon_cell[icell]) if fine_region.contains(cell_pt): lts_rgn[icell] = 1 # first layer of cells with label 5 changed_cells = [[], []] border_cells = [] for iedge in range(0, n_edges): cell1 = cells_on_edge[iedge, 0] - 1 cell2 = cells_on_edge[iedge, 1] - 1 if (cell1 != -1 and cell2 != -1): if (lts_rgn[cell1] == 1 and lts_rgn[cell2] == 2): lts_rgn[cell1] = 5 changed_cells[0].append(cell1) elif (lts_rgn[cell1] == 2 and lts_rgn[cell2] == 1): lts_rgn[cell2] = 5 changed_cells[0].append(cell2) border_cells = changed_cells[0] # num_interface_adjacent - 1 layers of cells with label 5 # only looping over cells changed during loop for previous layer'Labeling interface-adjacent fine cells...') for i in range(0, num_interface_adjacent - 1): changed_cells[(i + 1) % 2] = [] for icell in changed_cells[i % 2]: edges = edges_on_cell[icell] for iedge in edges: if iedge != 0: cell1 = cells_on_edge[iedge - 1, 0] - 1 cell2 = cells_on_edge[iedge - 1, 1] - 1 if (cell1 != -1 and cell2 != -1): if (lts_rgn[cell1] == 5 and lts_rgn[cell2] == 1): lts_rgn[cell2] = 5 changed_cells[(i + 1) % 2].append(cell2) elif (lts_rgn[cell1] == 1 and lts_rgn[cell2] == 5): lts_rgn[cell1] = 5 changed_cells[(i + 1) % 2].append(cell1) changed_cells[0] = border_cells # num_interface layers of interface region with label 4'Labeling interface cells...') for i in range(0, num_interface): changed_cells[(i + 1) % 2] = [] for icell in changed_cells[i % 2]: edges = edges_on_cell[icell] for iedge in edges: if iedge != 0: cell1 = cells_on_edge[iedge - 1, 0] - 1 cell2 = cells_on_edge[iedge - 1, 1] - 1 if (cell1 != -1 and cell2 != -1): # for the first layer, need to check neighbors are # 5 and 2 # for further layers, need to check neighbors are # 3 and 2 if (i == 0): if (lts_rgn[cell1] == 5 and lts_rgn[cell2] == 2): lts_rgn[cell2] = 3 changed_cells[(i + 1) % 2].append(cell2) elif (lts_rgn[cell1] == 2 and lts_rgn[cell2] == 5): lts_rgn[cell1] = 3 changed_cells[(i + 1) % 2].append(cell1) else: if (lts_rgn[cell1] == 3 and lts_rgn[cell2] == 2): lts_rgn[cell2] = 3 changed_cells[(i + 1) % 2].append(cell2) elif (lts_rgn[cell1] == 2 and lts_rgn[cell2] == 3): lts_rgn[cell1] = 3 changed_cells[(i + 1) % 2].append(cell1) changed_cells[0] = changed_cells[num_interface % 2] # num_interface layers of interface region with label 3 for i in range(0, num_interface): changed_cells[(i + 1) % 2] = [] for icell in changed_cells[i % 2]: edges = edges_on_cell[icell] for iedge in edges: if iedge != 0: cell1 = cells_on_edge[iedge - 1, 0] - 1 cell2 = cells_on_edge[iedge - 1, 1] - 1 if (cell1 != -1 and cell2 != -1): # for the first layer, need to check neighbors are # 3 and 2 # for further layers, need to check neighbors are # 4 and 2 if (i == 0): if (lts_rgn[cell1] == 3 and lts_rgn[cell2] == 2): lts_rgn[cell2] = 4 changed_cells[(i + 1) % 2].append(cell2) elif (lts_rgn[cell1] == 2 and lts_rgn[cell2] == 3): lts_rgn[cell1] = 4 changed_cells[(i + 1) % 2].append(cell1) else: if (lts_rgn[cell1] == 4 and lts_rgn[cell2] == 2): lts_rgn[cell2] = 4 changed_cells[(i + 1) % 2].append(cell2) elif (lts_rgn[cell1] == 2 and lts_rgn[cell2] == 4): lts_rgn[cell1] = 4 changed_cells[(i + 1) % 2].append(cell1) # create'Creating lts_mesh...') # open mesh nc file to be copied ds_msh = xr.open_dataset(mesh) ds_ltsmsh = ds_msh.copy(deep=True) ltsmsh_name = '' write_netcdf(ds_ltsmsh, ltsmsh_name) mshnc = nc.Dataset(ltsmsh_name, 'a', format='NETCDF4_64BIT_OFFSET') try: # try to get LTSRegion and assign new value lts_rgn_NC = mshnc.variables['LTSRegion'] lts_rgn_NC[:] = lts_rgn[:] except KeyError: # create new variable ncells_NC = mshnc.dimensions['nCells'].name lts_rgns_NC = mshnc.createVariable('LTSRegion', np.int32, (ncells_NC,)) # set new variable lts_rgns_NC[:] = lts_rgn[:] mshnc.close() extract_vtk(ignore_time=True, lonlat=0, dimension_list=['maxEdges='], variable_list=['allOnCells'], filename_pattern=ltsmsh_name, out_dir='lts_mesh_vtk', use_progress_bar=use_progress_bar) # label cells in'Weighting ' + graph_info + '...') fine_cells = 0 coarse_cells = 0 newf = "" with open(graph_info, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() # this is to have fine, coarse and interface be separate for METIS # newf += lines[0].strip() + " 010 3 \n" # this is to have fine, and interface be together for METIS newf += lines[0].strip() + " 010 2 \n" for icell in range(1, len(lines)): if (lts_rgn[icell - 1] == 1 or lts_rgn[icell - 1] == 5): # fine # newf+= "0 1 0 " + lines[icell].strip() + "\n" newf += "0 1 " + lines[icell].strip() + "\n" fine_cells = fine_cells + 1 elif (lts_rgn[icell - 1] == 2): # coarse # newf+= "1 0 0 " + lines[icell].strip() + "\n" newf += "1 0 " + lines[icell].strip() + "\n" coarse_cells = coarse_cells + 1 else: # interface 1 and 2 # newf+= "0 0 1 " + lines[icell].strip() + "\n" newf += "0 1 " + lines[icell].strip() + "\n" coarse_cells = coarse_cells + 1 with open('', 'w') as f: f.write(newf) max_area = max(area_cell) min_area = min(area_cell) max_width = 2 * np.sqrt(max_area / math.pi) / 1000 min_width = 2 * np.sqrt(min_area / math.pi) / 1000 area_ratio = max_area / min_area width_ratio = max_width / min_width number_ratio = coarse_cells / fine_cells txt = 'number of fine cells = {}\n'.format(fine_cells) txt += 'number of coarse cells = {}\n'.format(coarse_cells) txt += 'ratio of coarse to fine cells = {}\n'.format(number_ratio) txt += 'ratio of largest to smallest cell area = {}\n'.format(area_ratio) txt += 'ratio of largest to smallest cell width = {}\n'.format(width_ratio) txt += 'number of interface layers = {}\n'.format(num_interface) with open('lts_mesh_info.txt', 'w') as f: f.write(txt)