import os
class TestCase:
The base class for test cases---such as a decomposition, threading or
restart test---that are made up of one or more steps
name : str
the name of the test case
test_group : compass.TestGroup
The test group the test case belongs to
mpas_core : compass.MpasCore
The MPAS core the test group belongs to
steps : dict
A dictionary of steps in the test case with step names as keys
steps_to_run : list
A list of the steps to run when ``run()`` gets called. This list
includes all steps by default but can be replaced with a list of only
those tests that should run by default if some steps are optional and
should be run manually by the user.
subdir : str
the subdirectory for the test case
path : str
the path within the base work directory of the test case, made up of
``mpas_core``, ``test_group``, and the test case's ``subdir``
config : compass.config.CompassConfigParser
Configuration options for this test case, a combination of the defaults
for the machine, core and configuration
config_filename : str
The local name of the config file that ``config`` has been written to
during setup and read from during run
work_dir : str
The test case's work directory, defined during setup as the combination
of ``base_work_dir`` and ``path``
base_work_dir : str
The base work directory
baseline_dir : str, optional
Location of the same test case within the baseline work directory,
for use in comparing variables and timers
stdout_logger : logging.Logger
A logger for output from the test case that goes to stdout regardless
of whether ``logger`` is a log file or stdout
logger : logging.Logger
A logger for output from the test case
log_filename : str
At run time, the name of a log file where output/errors from the test
case are being logged, or ``None`` if output is to stdout/stderr
new_step_log_file : bool
Whether to create a new log file for each step or to log output to a
common log file for the whole test case. The latter is used when
running the test case as part of a test suite
validation : dict
A dictionary with the status of internal and baseline comparisons, used
by the ``compass`` framework to determine whether the test case passed
or failed internal and baseline validation.
def __init__(self, test_group, name, subdir=None):
Create a new test case
test_group : compass.TestGroup
the test group that this test case belongs to
name : str
the name of the test case
subdir : str, optional
the subdirectory for the test case. The default is ``name``
""" = name
self.mpas_core = test_group.mpas_core
self.test_group = test_group
if subdir is not None:
self.subdir = subdir
self.subdir = name
self.path = os.path.join(,,
# steps will be added by calling add_step()
self.steps = dict()
self.steps_to_run = list()
# these will be set during setup
self.config = None
self.config_filename = None
self.work_dir = None
self.base_work_dir = None
# may be set during setup if there is a baseline for comparison
self.baseline_dir = None
# these will be set when running the test case
self.new_step_log_file = True
self.stdout_logger = None
self.logger = None
self.log_filename = None
self.validation = None
def run(self):
This method is deprecated. Use ``step.constrain_resources()`` and
``step.runtime_setup()`` instead
def validate(self):
Test cases can override this method to perform validation of variables
and timers
def add_step(self, step, run_by_default=True):
Add a step to the test case
step : compass.Step
The step to add
run_by_default : bool, optional
Whether to add this step to the list of steps to run when the
``run()`` method gets called. If ``run_by_default=False``, users
would need to run this step manually.
self.steps[] = step
if run_by_default:
def check_validation(self):
Check the test case's "validation" dictionary to see if validation
validation = self.validation
logger = self.logger
if validation is not None:
internal_pass = validation['internal_pass']
baseline_pass = validation['baseline_pass']
both_pass = True
if internal_pass is not None and not internal_pass:
logger.error('Comparison failed between files within the test '
both_pass = False
if baseline_pass is not None and not baseline_pass:
logger.error('Comparison failed between the test case and the '
both_pass = False
if both_pass:
raise ValueError('Comparison failed, see above.')