- class compass.landice.tests.ensemble_generator.ensemble_member.EnsembleMember(test_case, run_num, basal_fric_exp=None, mu_scale=None, stiff_scale=None, von_mises_threshold=None, calv_spd_lim=None, gamma0=None, meltflux=None, deltaT=None)[source]
A step for setting up a single ensemble member
- Variables:
run_num (integer) – the run number for this ensemble member
name (str) – the name of the run being set up in this step
ntasks (integer) – the number of parallel (MPI) tasks the step would ideally use
input_file_name (str) – name of the input file that was read from the config
basal_fric_exp (float) – value of basal friction exponent to use
mu_scale (float) – value to scale muFriction by
stiff_scale (float) – value to scale stiffnessFactor by
von_mises_threshold (float) – value of von Mises stress threshold to use
calv_spd_lim (float) – value of calving speed limit to use
gamma0 (float) – value of gamma0 to use in ISMIP6 ice-shelf basal melt param.
deltaT (float) – value of deltaT to use in ISMIP6 ice-shelf basal melt param.
- __init__(test_case, run_num, basal_fric_exp=None, mu_scale=None, stiff_scale=None, von_mises_threshold=None, calv_spd_lim=None, gamma0=None, meltflux=None, deltaT=None)[source]
Creates a new run within an ensemble
- Parameters:
test_case (compass.TestCase) – The test case this step belongs to
run_num (integer) – the run number for this ensemble member
basal_fric_exp (float) – value of basal friction exponent to use
mu_scale (float) – value to scale muFriction by
stiff_scale (float) – value to scale stiffnessFactor by
von_mises_threshold (float) – value of von Mises stress threshold to use assumes same value for grounded and floating ice
calv_spd_lim (float) – value of calving speed limit to use
gamma0 (float) – value of gamma0 to use in ISMIP6 ice-shelf basal melt param.
deltaT (float) – value of deltaT to use in ISMIP6 ice-shelf basal melt param.
(test_case, run_num[, ...])Creates a new run within an ensemble
([filename, target, database, ...])Add an input file to the step (but not necessarily to the MPAS model).
()make a link to the model executable and add it to the inputs
(package, namelist[, ...])Add a file with updates to namelist options to the step to be parsed when generating a complete namelist file if and when the step gets set up.
(options[, out_name, mode])Add the namelist replacements to be parsed when generating a namelist file if and when the step gets set up.
(filename)Add the output file that must be produced by this step and may be made available as an input to steps, perhaps in other test cases.
(package, streams[, ...])Add a streams file to the step to be parsed when generating a complete streams file if and when the step gets set up.
based on the number of cores available to this stepprocess_inputs_and_outputs
()Process the inputs to and outputs from a step added with
()Run this member of the ensemble.
()Update attributes of the step at runtime before calling the
([cpus_per_task, ...])Update the resources for the subtask.
()Set up this run by setting up a baseline run configuration and then modifying parameters for this ensemble member based on an externally provided unit parameter vector
(options[, out_name])Update an existing namelist file with additional options.
([out_name])Modify the namelist so the number of PIO tasks and the stride between them consistent with the number of nodes and cores (one PIO task per node).
(package, streams, ...)Update the streams files during the run phase of this step using the given template and replacements.