The collection of all test case for the MPAS-Ocean core |
Test Groups
A test group for baroclinic channel test cases |
Modify the configuration options for one of the baroclinic test cases |
A decomposition test case for the baroclinic channel test group, which makes sure the model produces identical results on 1 and 4 cores. |
Modify the configuration options for this test case. |
This method is deprecated. |
The default test case for the baroclinic channel test group simply creates the mesh and initial condition, then performs a short forward run on 4 cores. |
Modify the configuration options for this test case. |
This method is deprecated. |
A restart test case for the baroclinic channel test group, which makes sure the model produces identical results with one longer run and two shorter runs with a restart in between. |
Modify the configuration options for this test case. |
This method is deprecated. |
The reference potential energy (RPE) test case for the baroclinic channel test group performs a 20-day integration of the model forward in time at 5 different values of the viscosity at the given resolution. |
Modify the configuration options for this test case. |
This method is deprecated. |
A step for plotting the results of a series of RPE runs in the baroclinic channel test group |
Set up the test case in the work directory, including downloading any dependencies. |
Run this step of the test case |
A thread test case for the baroclinic channel test group, which makes sure the model produces identical results with 1 and 2 threads. |
Modify the configuration options for this test case. |
This method is deprecated. |
A step for performing forward MPAS-Ocean runs as part of baroclinic channel test cases. |
Set up the test case in the work directory, including downloading any dependencies. |
Run this step of the test case |
A step for creating a mesh and initial condition for baroclinic channel test cases |
Set up the test case in the work directory, including downloading any dependencies. |
Run this step of the test case |
A test group for Buttermilk Bay (subgrid wetting-and-drying) test cases |
The default buttermilk_bay test case |
Set config options for the test case |
Update the number of cores and min_tasks for each forward step |
Validate variables against a baseline |
A step for performing forward MPAS-Ocean runs as part of buttermilk bay test cases. |
Run this step of the testcase |
Set namelist options based on config options |
Get the time step |
A step for creating a mesh and initial condition for buttermilk bay test cases |
Run this step of the test case |
A step for visualizing buttermilk bay results |
Run this step of the test case |
Get the point coordinates for plotting solution timeseries |
Plot solution timeseries at a given number of points for each resolution |
Plot contour plots at a specified output interval for each resolution and show where the points used in points.png are located. |
A test group for baroclinic gyre test cases |
A class to define the baroclinic gyre test cases |
Set config options for the test case |
Cull a global mesh to only a single basin |
Run this step of the test case |
A step for performing forward MPAS-Ocean runs as part of the baroclinic gyre test cases. |
Run this step of the test case |
A step for creating the initial condition for the baroclinic gyre test cases |
Run this step of the test case |
A step for computing the zonally-averaged meridional overturning streamfunction in the single basin of the baroclinic gyre |
Run this step of the test case |
A step for visualizing output from baroclinic gyre |
Run this step of the test case |
A test group for dam break (wetting-and-drying) test cases |
The default dam_break test case |
Modify the configuration options for this test case. |
A step for performing forward MPAS-Ocean runs as part of dam break test cases. |
Run this step of the test case |
A step for creating a mesh and initial condition for dam break test cases |
Run this step of the test case |
A step for visualizing dam break results, as well as comparison with experimental data and ROMS simulation output (Warner et al. 2013). |
Run this step of the test case |
A test group for drying slope (wetting-and-drying) test cases |
A step for analyzing the convergence of drying slope results and producing a convergence plot. |
Run this step of the test case |
The convergence drying_slope test case |
Validate variables against a baseline |
A decomposition test case for the baroclinic channel test group, which makes sure the model produces identical results on 1 and 12 cores. |
Test cases can override this method to perform validation of variables and timers |
The default drying_slope test case |
Validate variables against a baseline |
A step for performing forward MPAS-Ocean runs as part of drying slope test cases. |
Run this step of the test case |
A step for creating a mesh and initial condition for drying slope test cases |
Run this step of the test case |
The drying_slope test case with log-law drag |
Change config options as needed |
Validate variables against a baseline |
A step for visualizing drying slope results, as well as comparison with analytical solution and ROMS results. |
Run this step of the test case |
A test group for setting up global initial conditions and performing regression testing and dynamic adjustment for MPAS-Ocean |
A test case for creating a global MPAS-Ocean mesh |
Set config options for the test case |
This method is deprecated. |
A step for an initial condition for for the cosine bell test case |
Run this step of the testcase |
A step for performing forward MPAS-Ocean runs as part of the cosine bell test case |
Set namelist options base on config options |
Run this step of the testcase |
Get the time step |
A step for visualizing the output from the cosine bell test case |
Run this step of the test case |
Compute the RMSE for a given resolution |
test cases and steps
A test group for setting up global initial conditions and performing regression testing and dynamic adjustment for MPAS-Ocean |
A test case for performing a short forward run with an MPAS-Ocean global initial condition and check nearly all MPAS-Ocean analysis members to make sure they run successfully and output is identical to a baseline (if one is provided). |
Modify the configuration options for this test case |
This method is deprecated. |
A test case to test the output for the TimeSeriesStatMonthly analysis member in E3SM. |
Modify the configuration options for this test case |
This method is deprecated. |
A test case for performing two short forward runs to make sure the results are identical with 4 and 8 cores |
Modify the configuration options for this test case |
This method is deprecated. |
A test case for assembling files needed for MPAS-Ocean and MPAS-Seaice initial conditions in E3SM as well as files needed for diagnostics from the Meridional Overturning Circulation analysis member and MPAS-Analysis |
Modify the configuration options for this test case |
This method is deprecated. |
A step for creating graph partition files for the ocean mesh |
Run this step of the testcase |
A step for creating an E3SM ocean initial condition from the results of a dynamic-adjustment process to dissipate fast waves |
Run this step of the testcase |
A step for creating an MPAS-Ocean mesh from variables from an MPAS-Ocean initial state file |
Run this step of the testcase |
A step for creating SCRIP files from the MPAS-Ocean mesh |
Run this step of the testcase |
A step for creating graph partition files for the sea-ice mesh |
Run this step of the testcase |
A step for creating an E3SM sea-ice initial condition from variables from an MPAS-Ocean restart file |
Run this step of the testcase |
A step for creating an MPAS-Seaice mesh from variables from an MPAS-Ocean initial state file |
Run this step of the testcase |
A step for creating mapping files from the MPAS-Ocean mesh to a standard CMIP6 mesh |
Run this step of the testcase |
A step for creating mapping files for use in MPAS-Analysis |
Run this step of the testcase |
A step for creating region masks needed for the Meridional Overturning Circulation analysis member and diagnostics from MPAS-Analysis |
Run this step of the testcase |
A step for for remapping observed melt rates to the MPAS grid and staging them in |
Run this step of the test case |
A step for for remapping sea surface salinity (SSS) from WOA23 to the current MPAS mesh |
Run this step of the test case |
A step for for remapping iceberg freshwater fluxes from a climatology from Merino et al. (2016) to the current MPAS mesh. |
Run this step of the test case |
A step for for remapping the RMS tidal velocity from the CATS model (https://www.usap-dc.org/view/dataset/601235) to the current MPAS mesh |
Run this step of the test case |
A step for writing out |
Run this step of the testcase |
A test case for creating initial conditions on a global MPAS-Ocean mesh |
Modify the configuration options for this test case |
This method is deprecated. |
A step for creating a mesh and initial condition for baroclinic channel test cases |
Get resources at setup from config options |
Run this step of the testcase |
A step for for remapping observed melt rates to the MPAS grid |
Run this step of the test case |
Remap the Paolo et al. (2023; https://doi.org/10.5194/tc-17-3409-2023) melt rates at ~2 km resolution to an MPAS mesh. |
Remap the Adusumilli et al. (2020) melt rates at 0.5 km resolution to an MPAS mesh. |
A step for iteratively adjusting the pressure from the weight of the ice shelf to match the sea-surface height as part of ice-shelf 2D test cases |
Set the number of MPI tasks and the time step based on config options |
Run this step of the testcase |
Compute the sea surface height that is in approximate hydrostatic balance with a given land-ice pressure using the density in the top layer of the ocean |
Run this step of the testcase |
A test case for creating a global MPAS-Ocean mesh |
Modify the configuration options for this test case |
This method is deprecated. |
A step for creating EC30to60 and ECwISC30to60 meshes |
Create cell width array for this mesh on a regular latitude-longitude grid |
A step for creating quasi-uniform meshes at a resolution given by a config option |
Set up the test case in the work directory, including downloading any dependencies. |
A step for creating quasi-uniform meshes at a resolution given by a config option |
Set up the test case in the work directory, including downloading any dependencies. |
A step for creating RRS6to18 and RRSwISC6to18 meshes |
Create cell width array for this mesh on a regular latitude-longitude grid |
A step for creating SO12to30 meshes |
Create cell width array for this mesh on a regular latitude-longitude grid |
A step for creating WC14 mesh |
Create cell width array for this mesh on a regular latitude-longitude grid |
A test case for performing one or more short forward run with an MPAS-Ocean global initial condition assess performance, test prognostic and data melting (if ice-shelf cavities are present), and compare with previous results |
Modify the configuration options for this test case |
This method is deprecated. |
A test case for performing two forward run, one without a restart and one with to make sure the results are identical |
Modify the configuration options for this test case |
This method is deprecated. |
A test case for performing two short forward runs to make sure the results are identical with 1 and 2 thread per MPI process |
Modify the configuration options for this test case |
This method is deprecated. |
A parent test case for performing dynamic adjustment (dissipating fast-moving waves) from an MPAS-Ocean initial condition. |
Test cases can override this method to perform validation of variables and timers |
A parent class for test cases for forward runs with global MPAS-Ocean mesh |
Modify the configuration options for this test case |
This method is deprecated. |
A step for performing forward MPAS-Ocean runs as part of global ocean test cases. |
Set the number of MPI tasks and the time step based on config options |
Run this step of the testcase |
global_ocean framework
Get short and long E3SM mesh name from config options and the given number of vertical levels (typically taken from an initial condition or restart file). |
Add MPAS mesh and initial condition metadata to NetCDF outputs of the given step |
Computes |
A test group for General Ocean Turbulence Model (GOTM) test cases |
The default test case for the General Ocean Turbulence Model (GOTM) test group creates an initial condition on a 4 x 4 cell, doubly periodic grid, performs a short simulation, then vertical plots of the velocity and viscosity. |
Validate variables against a baseline |
A step for creating a mesh and initial condition for General Ocean Turbulence Model (GOTM) test cases |
Run this step of the test case |
A step for performing forward MPAS-Ocean runs as part of General Ocean Turbulence Model (GOTM) test cases. |
Run this step of the test case |
A step for plotting the results of the default General Ocean Turbulence Model (GOTM) test case |
Run this step of the test case |
test cases and steps
A test group for hurricane simulations with MPAS-Ocean |
A test case for creating a global MPAS-Ocean mesh |
Modify the configuration options for this test case |
This method is deprecated. |
A step for creating DEQU120at30cr10rr2 meshes |
Create cell width array for this mesh on a regular latitude-longitude grid |
A test case for creating initial conditions on a global MPAS-Ocean mesh |
Modify the configuration options for this test case |
This method is deprecated. |
A step for creating the input file for the pointwiseStats analysis member |
Find grid points nearest to observation stations and create pointwiseStats file |
Run this step of the testcase |
A step for creating a mesh and initial condition for hurricane test cases |
Set up the test case in the work directory, including downloading any dependencies |
Run this step of the testcase |
A step for interpolating the atmospheric wind velocities and pressure onto the MPAS-Ocean mesh to be used as time varying forcing in the forward run |
Interpolate time snaps of gridded data field to MPAS mesh |
Plot original gridded data and interpolated fields |
Write data to netCDF file |
Run this step of the test case |
A test case for performing a forward run for a hurricane case |
Modify the configuration options for this test case |
This method is deprecated. |
A step for performing forward MPAS-Ocean runs as part of hurricane test cases. |
Set up the test case in the work directory, including downloading any dependencies |
Run this step of the testcase |
A step for producing ssh validation plots at observation stations |
Setup test case and download data |
Read the pointwiseStats data from the MPAS-Ocean run |
Read the observed ssh timeseries data for a given station |
Read file containing station locations and names |
Run this step of the test case |
A step for adding LTS regions to a global MPAS-Ocean mesh |
Set up the test case in the work directory, including downloading any dependencies. |
Run this step of the test case |
A step for computing the topographic wave drag forcing term |
Interpolate time snaps of gridded data field to MPAS mesh |
Write data to netCDF file |
Run this step of the test case |
A test group for ice-shelf 2D test cases |
Modify the configuration options for this test case |
The default ice-shelf 2D test case, which performs a short forward run with the z-star vertical coordinate and with 15 iterations of adjustment to make the pressure from the weight of the ice shelf match the sea-surface height |
Modify the configuration options for this test case. |
This method is deprecated. |
A restart test case for the ice-shelf 2D test case test group, which makes sure the model produces identical results with one longer run and two shorter runs with a restart in between. |
Modify the configuration options for this test case. |
This method is deprecated. |
A step for performing forward MPAS-Ocean runs as part of ice-shelf 2D test cases. |
Set up the test case in the work directory, including downloading any dependencies. |
Run this step of the test case |
A step for creating a mesh and initial condition for ice-shelf 2D test cases |
Run this step of the test case |
A step for iteratively adjusting the pressure from the weight of the ice shelf to match the sea-surface height as part of ice-shelf 2D test cases |
Set up the test case in the work directory, including downloading any dependencies. |
Run this step of the test case |
A step for visualizing a cross-section through the 2D ice-shelf domain |
Run this step of the test case |
A test group for General Ocean Turbulence Model (GOTM) test cases |
The default test case for the internal wave test |
Validate variables against a baseline |
The reference potential energy (RPE) test case for the internal wave test group performs a 20-day integration of the model forward in time at 5 different values of the viscosity at the given resolution. |
A step for plotting the results of a series of RPE runs in the internal wave test group |
Run this step of the test case |
The default test case for the internal wave test |
Validate variables against a baseline |
A step for performing forward MPAS-Ocean runs as part of internal wave test cases. |
Run this step of the test case |
A step for creating a mesh and initial condition for internal wave test cases |
Run this step of the test case |
A step for visualizing a cross-section through the internal wave |
Run this step of the test case |
A test group for ice-shelf 2D test cases |
An ISOMIP+ test case |
Modify the configuration options for this test case. |
This method is deprecated. |
A step for visualizing output from an ISOMIP+ simulation |
Run this step of the test case |
Find out if the file already has the same number of time slices as the monthly-mean data set |
A plotter object to hold on to some info needed for plotting time series from ISOMIP+ simulation results |
Plot a series of image for each of several variables related to melt at the ice shelf-ocean interface: mean melt rate, total melt flux, mean thermal driving, mean friction velocity |
A plotter object to hold on to some info needed for plotting images from ISOMIP+ simulation results |
Plot a series of image of the barotropic streamfunction |
Plot a series of image of the overturning streamfunction |
Plot a series of image of the melt rate |
Plot a series of image for each of several variables related to the ice shelf-ocean interface: heat flux from the ocean, heat flux into the ice, thermal driving, haline driving, and the friction velocity under ice |
Plot a series of images of temperature at the sea surface or ice-ocean interface, sea floor and in an x-z section |
Plot a series of images of salinity at the sea surface or ice-ocean interface, sea floor and in an x-z section |
Plot a series of images of salinity at the sea surface or ice-ocean interface, sea floor and in an x-z section |
Plot a series of image of a given variable |
Plot a series of images of a given 3D variable showing the value at the top (sea surface or ice-ocean interface), sea floor and in an x-z section |
Plot layer interfaces, the sea surface height and the bottom topography of the cross section at fixed y. |
Convert all the image sequences into movies with ffmpeg |
Update the "evaporation" fluxes used to keep sea level under control for the ISOMIP+ experiments. |
A step for performing forward MPAS-Ocean runs as part of ice-shelf 2D test cases. |
Set up the test case in the work directory, including downloading any dependencies |
Run this step of the test case |
Interpolate the ocean mask from the original BISICLES grid to the MPAS mesh. |
Interpolate the ice geometry from the original BISICLES grid to the MPAS mesh. |
A step for creating a mesh and initial condition for ISOMIP+ test cases |
Run this step of the test case |
A step for interpolating output to the MISOMIP1 grid from an ISOMIP+ simulation |
Run this step of the test case |
A step for processing the ISOMIP+ geometry for a given experiment |
Run this step of the test case |
A step for iteratively adjusting the pressure from the weight of the ice shelf to match the sea-surface height as part of ice-shelf 2D test cases |
Set up the test case in the work directory, including downloading any dependencies |
Run this step of the test case |
A step for computing the barotropic and overturning streamfunctions from ISOMIP+ simulation results |
Run this step of the test case |
A test group for lock exchange type test cases |
The hydro test case for the lock exchange group simply creates the mesh and initial condition, then performs a forward run with the standard hydrostatic version of MPAS-O, and then plots the density profile. |
The nonhydro test case for the lock exchange group simply creates the mesh and initial condition, then performs a forward runs with the nonhydrostatic version of MPAS-O, and then plots the density profile. |
A step for performing forward MPAS-Ocean runs as part of the lock exchange test case. |
Run this step of the test case |
A step for creating a mesh and initial condition for the lock-exchange test case |
Run this step of the test case |
A step for visualizing a cross-section through the density in the lock exchange test group |
Run this step of the test case |
A test group for tracer advection test cases "merry-go-round" |
The default test case for the merry-go-round test |
Validate variables against a baseline |
A step for plotting the convergence of the solution with resolution and time step in the merry-go-round test group |
Run this step of the test case |
A step for performing forward MPAS-Ocean runs as part of merry-go-round test cases. |
Run this step of the test case |
A step for creating a mesh and initial condition for the merry-go-round test cases |
Run this step of the test case |
A step for plotting the results of the merry-go-round test group |
Run this step of the test case |
A test group for nonhydrostatic test cases |
The default test case for the stratified seiche test simply creates the mesh and initial condition, then performs two forward runs, one with the standard hydrostatic version of MPAS-O, and the second with the nonhydrostatic version. |
Modify the configuration options for this test case. |
A step for creating a mesh and initial condition for stratified seiche test case |
Set up the test case in the work directory, including downloading any dependencies. |
Run this step of the test case |
A step for performing forward MPAS-Ocean runs as part of the stratified seiche test case. |
Set up the test case in the work directory, including downloading any dependencies. |
Run this step of the test case |
A step for visualizing a cross-section through the internal wave |
Set up the test case in the work directory, including downloading any dependencies. |
Run this step of the test case |
The default test case for the solitary wave test simply creates the mesh and initial condition, then performs two forward runs, one with the standard hydrostatic version of MPAS-O, and the second with the nonhydrostatic version. |
Modify the configuration options for this test case. |
A step for creating a mesh and initial condition for solitary wave test case |
Set up the test case in the work directory, including downloading any dependencies. |
Run this step of the test case |
A step for performing forward MPAS-Ocean runs as part of the solitary wave test case. |
Set up the test case in the work directory, including downloading any dependencies. |
Run this step of the test case |
A step for visualizing a cross-section through the solitary wave |
Set up the test case in the work directory, including downloading any dependencies. |
Run this step of the test case |
A test group for General Ocean Turbulence Model (GOTM) test cases |
The default test case for the overflow test |
The reference potential energy (RPE) test case for the overflow test group performs a 40h integration of the model forward in time at 5 different values of the viscosity at the given resolution. |
A step for plotting the results of a series of RPE runs in the overflow test group |
Run this step of the test case |
A step for performing forward MPAS-Ocean runs as part of overflow test cases. |
Run this step of the test case |
A step for creating a mesh and initial condition for overflow test cases |
Run this step of the test case |
A step for creating a mesh and initial condition for the nonhydro and the hydro vs nonhydro test cases. |
Run this step of the test case |
The nonhydro test case for the overflow test group creates the mesh and initial condition, then performs a forward runs with the nonhydrostatic version of MPAS-O. |
A step for performing forward MPAS-Ocean runs as part of the nonhydro test case. |
Run this step of the test case |
The hydro vs nonhydro test case for the overflow group creates the mesh and initial condition, then performs two forward runs, one with the standard hydrostatic version of MPAS-O, and the second with the nonhydrostatic version. |
A step for performing forward MPAS-Ocean runs as part of the hydro vs nonhydro test case. |
Run this step of the test case |
A step for visualizing a cross-section through the fluid descend down the slope. |
Run this step of the test case |
A test group for parabolic bowl (wetting-and-drying) test cases |
The default parabolic_bowl test case |
Set config options for the test case |
Update the number of cores and min_tasks for each forward step |
Validate variables against a baseline |
A step for performing forward MPAS-Ocean runs as part of parabolic bowl test cases. |
Run this step of the testcase |
Set namelist options based on config options |
Get the time step |
A step for creating a mesh and initial condition for drying slope test cases |
Run this step of the test case |
A step for visualizing parabolic bowl results and comparing with analytical solution |
Run this step of the test case |
Get the point coordinates for plotting solution timeseries |
Plot solution timeseries at a given number of points for each resolution |
Save exact solution to output nc file |
Plot contour plots at a specified output interval for each resolution and show where the points used in points.png are located. |
Plot convergence curves |
Compute the rmse between the modeled and exact solutions |
Evaluate the exact solution |
A test group for testing horizontal advection in MPAS-Ocean |
A step for creating a mesh for a given resolution in a planar convergence test case. |
Run this step of the test case |
A test case for various convergence tests on in MPAS-Ocean with planar, doubly periodic meshes |
Set config options for the test case |
This method is deprecated. |
Update the number of cores and min_tasks for each forward step |
A step for performing forward MPAS-Ocean runs as part of a planar convergence test case |
Set namelist options base on config options |
Run this step of the testcase |
Get the time step and run duration as namelist options from config options |
A test case for testing horizontal advection in MPAS-Ocean with planar, doubly periodic meshes |
Set config options for the test case |
This method is deprecated. |
A step for creating an initial_condition for advection convergence test case |
Run this step of the test case |
A step for visualizing the output from the advection convergence test case |
Run this step of the test case |
Compute the RMSE for a given resolution |
A test group for Simulating Ocean Mesoscale Activity (SOMA) test cases |
The class for all test cases in the SOMA test group. |
Test cases can override this method to perform validation of variables |
A step for verifying that temperature and salinity profiles for SOMA case from particle interpolations are consistent with initialized profiles |
Run this step of the test case |
A step for performing forward MPAS-Ocean runs as part of SOMA test cases. |
Run this step of the test case |
A step for creating a mesh and initial condition for SOMA test cases |
Run this step of the test case |
A test group for testing algorithms for passive tracer advection on the sphere |
A test case for 2D transport on the sphere |
Set config options for the test case |
This method is deprecated. |
A step for creating uniform global meshes |
Run this step of the test case |
Create cell width array for this mesh on a regular latitude-longitude grid |
A step for an initial condition for for the cosine bell test case |
Run this step of the testcase |
A step for performing forward MPAS-Ocean runs as part of the divergent_2d |
Set namelist options base on config options |
Run this step of the testcase |
These tests expect the time step to be input in units of minutes, but MPAS requires an "HH:MM:SS" string. |
A step for visualizing the output from the divergent2D test case |
Run this step of the test case |
A test case for 2D transport on the sphere |
Set config options for the test case |
This method is deprecated. |
A step for creating uniform global meshes |
Run this step of the test case |
Create cell width array for this mesh on a regular latitude-longitude grid |
A step for an initial condition for for the cosine bell test case |
Run this step of the testcase |
A step for performing forward MPAS-Ocean runs as part of the |
Set namelist options base on config options |
Run this step of the testcase |
These tests expect the time step to be input in units of minutes, but MPAS requires an "HH:MM:SS" string. |
A step for visualizing the output from the nondivergent2D test case |
Run this step of the test case |
A test case for 2D transport on the sphere |
Set config options for the test case |
This method is deprecated. |
A step for creating uniform global meshes |
Run this step of the test case |
Create cell width array for this mesh on a regular latitude-longitude grid |
A step for an initial condition for for the cosine bell test case |
Run this step of the testcase |
A step for performing forward MPAS-Ocean runs as part of the rotation_2d |
Set namelist options base on config options |
Run this step of the testcase |
These tests expect the time step to be input in units of minutes, |
A step for visualizing the output from the rotation_2d test case |
Run this step of the test case |
sphere_transport framework
Given a netCDF4 Dataset associated with the output.nc file from a test case in the sphere_transport test group, this function computes the linf and l2 relative error values by comparing the final time step to the initial condition. |
Given a set of approximate mesh sizes (dlambda) and the corresponding linf and l2 relative error values, this function computes the approximate convergence rates for each error. |
Print error values and approximate convergence rates to the console as a table. |
Read a .rgb file from the NCAR Command Language, and return a matplotlib colormap. |
Plot the solution at time 0, t = T/2, and T=T for test cases in the |
Collects data from a set of test case runs at different resolutions to use for convergence data analysis and plotting. |
Print test case data in csv format |
Creates a convergence plot for a test case from the |
Plot the "filament norm," as in figure 5 of LSPT2012. |
Plots over- and under-shoot error as a function of time. |
test cases and steps
A test group for tidal simulations with MPAS-Ocean |
A test case for creating a global MPAS-Ocean mesh |
Modify the configuration options for this test case |
This method is deprecated. |
A test case for creating initial conditions on a global MPAS-Ocean mesh |
Modify the configuration options for this test case |
This method is deprecated. |
A step for remapping bathymetric data onto the MPAS-Ocean mesh |
Run this step of the test case |
A step for creating a mesh and initial condition for tidal test cases |
Get resources at setup from config options |
Run this step of the testcase |
A step for interpolating the topographic wave drag data onto the MPAS-Ocean mesh |
Interpolate time snaps of gridded data field to MPAS mesh |
Plot original gridded data and interpolated fields |
Write data to netCDF file |
Run this step of the test case |
A test case for performing a forward run for a tidal case |
Modify the configuration options for this test case |
This method is deprecated. |
A step for performing forward MPAS-Ocean runs as part of tides test cases. |
Set up the test case in the work directory, including downloading any dependencies |
Run this step of the testcase |
A step for producing harmonic constituent errors and validation plots |
Setup test case and download data |
Write mesh coordinates for TPXO extraction |
Write input files for TPXO extraction |
Perform TPXO extraction |
Read TPXO extraction output |
Inject TPXO data into harmonic analysis file |
Check if TPXO data exists in harmonic analysis file |
Calculate errors and plot consitituents |
Run this step of the test case |
A test group for general ocean utilities |
A test case for combining GEBCO 2023 with BedMachineAntarctica topography datasets |
A step for combining GEBCO 2023 with BedMachineAntarctica topography datasets |
Set up the step in the work directory, including downloading any dependencies. |
Run this step of the test case |
A test case for first creating monthly sea surface salinity from WOA23 then extrapolating the WOA23 data into missing ocean regions such as ice-shelf cavities and coasts |
A step for combining January through December sea surface salinity data into a single file for salinity restoring in G-cases. |
Extrapolate WOA 2023 monthly sea surface salinity data into missing ocean regions, including ice cavities and coasts |
A step for remapping sea-surface salinity to a cubed-sphere grid |
A test case for culling MPAS-Ocean and -Seaice restart files to exclude ice-shelf cavities |
A step for culling MPAS-Ocean and -Seaice restart files to exclude ice-shelf cavities |
Run this step of the test case |
A test case for first remapping a topography dataset to the WOA 2023 grid, then extrapolating the WOA23 data into missing ocean regions such as ice-shelf cavities, then extrapolating into grounded ice and land |
A step for combining a January and an annual WOA 2023 climatology into a single file, where the January data is used where available and the annual in the deeper ocean where monthly data is not provided. |
Set up the step in the work directory, including downloading any dependencies. |
Run this step of the test case |
Extrapolate WOA 2023 data into missing ocean regions, then land and grounded ice |
Determine the output filename |
Extrapolate WOA 2023 model temperature and salinity into ice-shelf cavities. |
A step for remapping bathymetry and ice-shelf topography from one latitude-longitude grid to another |
Set up the step in the work directory, including downloading any dependencies. |
Constrain |
Run this step of the test case |
A test group for Zonally Invariant Southern Ocean (ZISO) test cases |
Modify the configuration options for this test case |
The default test case for the ZISO test group simply creates the mesh and initial condition, then performs a short forward run with analysis members but without frazil. |
Modify the configuration options for this test case. |
This method is deprecated. |
The with frazil test case for the ZISO test group simply creates the mesh and initial condition, then performs a short forward run including frazil formation. |
Modify the configuration options for this test case. |
This method is deprecated. |
A step for performing forward MPAS-Ocean runs as part of ZISO test cases. |
Set up the test case in the work directory, including downloading any dependencies. |
Run this step of the test case |
A step for creating a mesh and initial condition for ZISO test cases |
Run this step of the test case |
ocean framework
A step for culling a global MPAS-Ocean mesh |
Set up the test case in the work directory, including downloading any dependencies. |
Run this step of the test case |
First step of initializing the global ocean: |
A step for creating a global MPAS-Ocean mesh that includes variables needed for preserving a floodplain |
Run this step of the test case |
A step for remapping bathymetry and ice-shelf topography from a latitude-longitude grid to a global MPAS-Ocean mesh |
Set up the step in the work directory, including downloading any dependencies. |
Constrain |
Run this step of the test case |
Compute the Haney number rx1 for each edge, and interpolate it to cells |
Compute the pressure from and overlying ice shelf and the ice-shelf draft |
Adjust the sea surface height or land-ice pressure to be dynamically consistent with one another. |
Write an initial condition for particles partitioned across cores |
Remap particles onto a new grid decomposition. |
creates histogram plots of the initial condition |
Plot the vertical grid |
Create a vertical coordinate based on the config options in the |
Generate a vertical grid for a test case, using the config options in the |
write the vertical grid to a file |
Alter |
Alter |
Create a z-level vertical coordinate based on the config options in the |
Compute |
Compute z-level layer thickness from ssh and bottomDepth |
Compute z-level resting thickness by "unstretching" layerThickness based on ssh and bottomDepth |
Create a z-star vertical coordinate based on the config options in the |