Ocean framework

The ocean core contains a small amount of shared framework code that we expect to expand in the future as new test cases are added.

Namelist replacements and streams files

The modules compass.ocean.namelists and compass.ocean.streams contain namelist replacements and streams files that are similar to core-level templates in Legacy COMPASS. Current templates are for adjusting sea surface height in ice-shelf cavities, and outputting variables related to frazil ice and land-ice fluxes.

Vertical coordinate

The compass.ocean.vertical module provides support for computing general vertical coordinates for MPAS-Ocean test cases.

The compass.ocean.vertical.grid_1d module provides 1D vertical coordinates. To create 1D vertical grids, test cases should call compass.ocean.vertical.grid_1d.generate_1d_grid() with the desired config options set in the vertical_grid section (as described in Vertical coordinate).

The z-level and z-star coordinates are also controlled by config options from this section of the config file. The function compass.ocean.vertical.init_vertical_coord() can be used to compute minLevelCell, maxLevelCell, cellMask, layerThickness, zMid, and restingThickness variables for z-level and z-star coordinates using the ssh and bottomDepth as well as config options from vertical_grid.


The compass.ocean.mesh package includes modules for modifying spherical ocean meshes shared across test groups.

Remapping Topography

After building a base spherical mesh (see Spherical Meshes), the global ocean mesh test case includes a step for remapping topography data (bathymetry, ocean mask, land-ice draft, land-ice thickness, grounded and floating land-ice masks, etc.) to the MPAS mesh. This step is controlled by config options described in Remapping topography.

By default, the step creates a partitioned SCRIP file and generates a mapping file using the tempest and MOAB tools. It can optionally use ESMF’s ESMF_RegridWeightGen tool to generate a mapping files. In either case, the step then uses ncremap to perform remapping to the MPAS mesh. Finally, it renames the topography variables to the following names, expected in MPAS-Ocean’s init mode for the global ocean:

rename = {'bathymetry_var': 'bed_elevation',
          'ice_draft_var': 'landIceDraftObserved',
          'ice_thickness_var': 'landIceThkObserved',
          'ice_frac_var': 'landIceFracObserved',
          'grounded_ice_frac_var': 'landIceGroundedFracObserved',
          'ocean_frac_var': 'oceanFracObserved'}

Culling Meshes

The compass.ocean.mesh.cull module is for culling land cells from global ocean meshes.

The class compass.ocean.mesh.cull.CullMeshStep culls out land cells by calling cull_mesh().

compass.ocean.mesh.cull.cull_mesh() uses a number of capabilities from MPAS-Tools and geometric_features to cull the mesh. It performs the following steps:

  1. combining Natural Earth land coverage north of 60S with Antarctic ice coverage or grounded ice coverage from BedMachineAntarctica

  2. combining transects defining critical passages (if with_critical_passages=True)

  3. combining points used to seed a flood fill of the global ocean.

  4. create masks from land coverage

  5. add land-locked cells to land coverage mask.

  6. create masks from transects (if with_critical_passages=True)

  7. cull cells based on land coverage but with transects present

  8. create flood-fill mask based on seeds

  9. cull cells based on flood-fill mask

  10. create masks from transects on the final culled mesh (if with_critical_passages=True)

Including a Floodplain

The compass.ocean.mesh.floodplain module is for adding support for a floodplain to a base global ocean mesh.

The class compass.ocean.mesh.floodplain.FloodplainMeshStep descends from compass.mesh.QuasiUniformSphericalMeshStep, adding an attribute:


A bool defining whether the mesh includes land cells

and including topography in the base mesh from the SRTM15_plus_earth_relief_15s.nc file in the bathymetry_database. The run() method uses the config option:

# options for spherical meshes

# Elevation threshold to use for including land cells
floodplain_elevation = 10.0

to determine the elevation of the floodplain to maintain above sea level. The bathymetry and the floodplain are added to the mesh using mpas_tools.ocean.inject_bathymetry() and mpas_tools.ocean.inject_preserve_floodplain(), respectively.

Haney number

The module compass.ocean.haney defines a function compass.ocean.haney.compute_haney_number() for computing the Haney number (Haney 1991). The Haney number is a measure of how large pressure-gradient errors are likely to be based on how thin and tilted the model layers have become.

\[r_{x1}(e,k+1/2) = \frac{\left|z_\textrm{mid}(c_2, k) − z_\textrm{mid}(c_1 , k) + z_\textrm{mid}(c_2, k+1) − z_\textrm{mid}(c_1, k+1)\right|} {z_\textrm{mid}(c_2, k) − z_\textrm{mid}(c_2 , k+1) + z_\textrm{mid}(c_1, k) − z_\textrm{mid}(c_1, k+1)},\]

where the computation is centered at edge \(e\) and at the interface between layers \(k\) and \(k+1\), adjacent to cells \(c_1\) and \(c_2\). The elevation of the middle of layer \(k\) at the center of cell \(c\) is \(z_\textrm{mid}(c, k)\).

Haney number

The locations of four adjacent cell centers used in the computation of the Haney number (and the horizontal pressure-gradient force).

Ice-shelf cavities

The module compass.ocean.iceshelf defines two functions that are used to set up domains with ice-shelf cavities.

compass.ocean.iceshelf.compute_land_ice_pressure_and_draft() computes the landIcePressure and landIceDraft fields based on the sea-surface height (SSH) and a reference density (typically the the Boussinesq reference density).

compass.ocean.iceshelf.adjust_ssh() performs a series of forward runs with MPAS-Ocean to detect and correct imbalances between the SSH and the land-ice pressure. In each forward run, the SSH is allowed to evolve forward in time for a short period (typically 1 hour), then the resulting change in SSH is translated into a compensating change in land-ice pressure that is expected to reduce the change in SSH. The initial land-ice pressure is updated accordingly and the process is repeated for a fixed number of iterations, typically leading to smaller and smaller changes in the land-ice pressure. This process does not completely eliminate the dynamical adjustment of the ocean to the overlying weight of the ice shelf but it tends to reduce it substantially and to prevent it from causing numerical instabilities. This procedure is also largely agnostic to the equation of state being used or the method for implementing the horizontal pressure-gradient force.


The compass.ocean.particles module contains functionality for initializing particles for the LIGHT framework.

compass.ocean.particles.write() creates an initial condition for particles partitioned across cores. There are 3 possible particle types (or all to indicate that all 3 types will be generated):


Particles are constrained to buoyancy (isopycnal) surfaces


Particles move both horizontally and vertically as passive tracers


Particles are constrained to the top ocean level

compass.ocean.particles.remap_particles() is used to remap particles onto a new grid decomposition. This might be useful, for example, if you wish to change the number of cores that a particle initial condition should run on.


The compass.ocean.plot contains functionality for plotting the initial state and 1D vertical grid.

compass.ocean.plot.plot_initial_state() creates histogram plots of salinity, temperature, bottom depth, maxLevelCell, layer thickness and the Haney number from global initial condition. This is useful for providing a quick sanity check that these values have the expected range and distribution, based on previous meshes.

compass.ocean.plot.plot_vertical_grid() plot the vertical grid in 3 ways: layer mid-depth vs. vertical index; layer mid-depth vs. layer thickness; and layer thickness vs. vertical index. Again, this provides a quick sanity check that the grid has the expected bounds (both in thickness and in depth) and number of layers.