
The global_ocean test group (compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.GlobalOcean) creates meshes and initial conditions, and performs testing and dynamic adjustment for global, realistic ocean domains. It includes 9 test cases on 5 meshes, with the expectation that more meshes from Legacy COMPASS will be added in the near future.


The shared config options for the global_ocean test group are described in global_ocean in the User’s Guide.

Additionally, the test group has several shared namelist and streams files, some for shared parameters and streams for forward runs (namelist.forward and streams.forward), and one specific to meshes with ice-shelf cavities (namelist.wisc).


The module compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.metadata determines the values of a set of metadata related to the E3SM mesh name, initial condition, conda environment, etc. that are added to nearly all global_ocean NetCDF output. See Metadata in the User’s Guide for more details on what the metadata looks like.

The values of some of the metadata are given in config options:

# options for global ocean testcases


## metadata related to the mesh
# whether to add metadata to output files
add_metadata = True
# the prefix (e.g. QU, EC, WC, SO)
prefix = PREFIX
# a description of the mesh
mesh_description = <<<Missing>>>
# a description of the bathymetry
bathy_description = <<<Missing>>>
# a description of the mesh with ice-shelf cavities
init_description = <<<Missing>>>
# E3SM version that the mesh is intended for
e3sm_version = 3
# The revision number of the mesh, which should be incremented each time the
# mesh is revised
mesh_revision = <<Missing>>
# the minimum (finest) resolution in the mesh
min_res = <<<Missing>>>
# the maximum (coarsest) resolution in the mesh, can be the same as min_res
max_res = <<<Missing>>>
# the maximum depth of the ocean, always detected automatically
max_depth = autodetect
# the number of vertical levels, always detected automatically
levels = autodetect

# the date the mesh was created as YYMMDD, typically detected automatically
creation_date = autodetect
# The following options are detected from .gitconfig if not explicitly entered
author = autodetect
email = autodetect
# The URL of the pull request documenting the creation of the mesh
pull_request = <<<Missing>>>

Each mesh should define a number of these config options, e.g. EC30to60 defines:

# options for global ocean testcases


## metadata related to the mesh
# the prefix (e.g. QU, EC, WC, SO)
prefix = EC
# a description of the mesh and initial condition
mesh_description = MPAS Eddy Closure mesh for E3SM version ${e3sm_version} with
                   enhanced resolution around the equator (30 km), South pole
                   (35 km), Greenland (${min_res} km), ${max_res}-km resolution
                   at mid latitudes, and <<<levels>>> vertical levels
# E3SM version that the mesh is intended for
e3sm_version = 2
# The revision number of the mesh, which should be incremented each time the
# mesh is revised
mesh_revision = 3
# the minimum (finest) resolution in the mesh
min_res = 30
# the maximum (coarsest) resolution in the mesh, can be the same as min_res
max_res = 60
# The URL of the pull request documenting the creation of the mesh
pull_request = <<<Missing>>>

Note that <<<levels>>> is a custom placeholder for the number of vertical levels, since this isn’t known until runtime. There are similar placeholders for <<<creation_date>>> and <<<bottom_depth>>> for similar reasons.

In this particular case, the pull_request has not yet been defined. Each time the mesh is revised, the mesh_revision should be updated and the associated pull request to should be added here.

The function compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.metadata.get_e3sm_mesh_names() is used to construct the “short” and “long” names of the mesh using a standard naming convention for E3SM:

short_mesh_name = f'{mesh_prefix}{res}E{e3sm_version}r{mesh_revision}'
long_mesh_name = \

For example, the QU240 mesh has the E3SM short name QU240E2r1 and long name QU240kmL16E3SMv2r1.


The function compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.tasks.get_ntasks_from_cell_count() can be used to compute a good number of MPI tasks (both the target and the minimum) for MPAS-Ocean to use based on the goal_cells_per_core and max_cells_per_core config options as well as the number of cells in a mesh. The idea is that we want to run MPAS-Ocean with about 200 cells per core (the default value of goal_cells_per_core) but that we would be okay with as many as 2000 cells per core (the default max_cells_per_core).

A complication of using this function is that the number of cells in a mesh is not known at setup time, but we do need to know how many cores and nodes we will use at that time. So the meshes in global_ocean have a config option approx_cell_count that is used to estimate the number of cells in the mesh during setup. Then, the actual number of cells is used at runtime, when it can be known, to determine the core and node counts for MPAS-Ocean runs on various meshes. Some test cases still specify the number of MPI tasks explicitly because it is part of their testing protocol.

forward test case

The parent class for test cases in global_ocean that include running MPAS-Ocean forward in time is compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.forward.ForwardTestCase. This class has attributes self.mesh and self.init to keep track of the mesh test case and init test case made the mesh and initial condition that this test case will use. It also has an attribute self.time_integrator to determine whether split-explicit or RK4 time integration will be used.

In its configure() method, ForwardTestCase takes care of config options by calling compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.init.Init.configure() to also pick up config options (e.g. metadata) related to the mesh and initial condition.

In its run() method, it sets the number of target and minimum number of cores as well as the number of threads based on config options. Then, it calls the base class’ run() method to run its steps.

forward step

The parent class for steps in global_ocean that run MPAS-Ocean forward in time is compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.forward.ForwardStep. The constructor for ForwardStep takes several arguments. At a minimum, the parent test case and the test cases for the mesh and initial-condition that will be used for the forward model run are needed, along with the time integrator (split-explicit or RK4). Here is an example from the performance_test test case:

class PerformanceTest(ForwardTestCase):
    A test case for performing a short forward run with an MPAS-Ocean global
    initial condition assess performance and compare with previous results

    def __init__(self, test_group, mesh, init, time_integrator):
        Create test case

        test_group : compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.GlobalOcean
            The global ocean test group that this test case belongs to

        mesh : compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.mesh.Mesh
            The test case that produces the mesh for this run

        init : compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.init.Init
            The test case that produces the initial condition for this run

        time_integrator : {'split_explicit', 'RK4'}
            The time integrator to use for the forward run
        super().__init__(test_group=test_group, mesh=mesh, init=init,

        step = ForwardStep(test_case=self, mesh=mesh, init=init,
        if mesh.with_ice_shelf_cavities:
            module = self.__module__
            step.add_namelist_file(module, 'namelist.wisc')
            step.add_streams_file(module, 'streams.wisc')

As in the example above, these are typically passed along from the arguments to the the test case’s own constructor.

Performance-related parameters—ntasks, min_tasks, and openmp_threads—can be passed as optional arguments, but they are more typically read from the corresponding forward_<param> config options in the global_ocean section of the config file. This lets users update these values as appropriate if the machine and/or mesh defaults aren’t quite right for them.

There is also a parameter get_dt_from_min_res that allows the time step for a given mesh to be determined automatically based on the finest resolution of the mesh and the dt_per_km or btr_dt_per_km config options. Unless this parameter is explicitly set to False (e.g. in restart tests or dynamic adjustment), the time step will be the product of the minimum resolution and dt_per_km for split-explicit runs, and the barotropic or 4th-order Runge-Kutta time step will be product of the minimum resolution and btr_dt_per_km.

During init, the forward and wisc namelist replacements and streams files are added as appropriate based on whether the mesh includes ice-shelf cavities. Further namelist replacements and streams files can be added in the test case before adding the step, as in the example above.

The MPAS model is linked in as in input to the step in the setup() method, which also updates the self.ntasks, self.min_tasks and self.openmp_threads attributes from config options if they have not been set explicitly in the constructor. Then, in the run() method, it runs MPAS-Ocean (including updating PIO namelist options and generating a graph partition), then Metadata is added to the output NetCDF files.

Test cases

There are 9 global_ocean test cases. First, mesh must be run to generate and cull the mesh, then one of the variants of init must be run to create an initial condition on that mesh. After that, any of the regression-focused test cases (performance_test, restart_test, decomp_test, threads_test, analysis_test, or daily_output_test) can be run in any order and as desired. If an initial condition for E3SM is desired, the user (or test suite) should first run dynamic_adjustment and then files_for_e3sm.

mesh test case

This test case generates an MPAS horizontal mesh, then culls out the land cells to improve model efficiency.

A compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.mesh.Mesh object is constructed with the mesh_name as one of its arguments. Based on this argument, it determines the appropriate child class of compass.mesh.spherical.SphericalBaseStep to create the base mesh and adds a compass.ocean.mesh.cull.CullMeshStep.

This class also stores attributes:


the name of the mesh


whether the mesh should include ice-shelf cavities


the module (package) where the config options, namelist and streams files specific to the mesh can be found


the name of the config file with mesh-specific config options


global_ocean currently defines 5 meshes, with more to come.

QU240 and QUwISC240

The QU240 mesh is a quasi-uniform mesh with 240-km resolution. The QUwISC240 mesh is identical except that it includes the cavities below ice shelves in the ocean domain. The mesh is defined by compass.mesh.QuasiUniformSphericalMeshStep. The compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.mesh.qu240 module includes namelist options appropriate for forward simulations with both RK4 and split-explicit time integration on these meshes. These set the time step and default run duration for short runs with these meshes.

The default config options for these meshes are:

# Options related to the vertical grid

# the type of vertical grid
grid_type = tanh_dz

# Number of vertical levels
vert_levels = 16

# Depth of the bottom of the ocean
bottom_depth = 3000.0

# The minimum layer thickness
min_layer_thickness = 3.0

# The maximum layer thickness
max_layer_thickness = 500.0

# options for spherical meshes

## config options related to the step for culling land from the mesh
# number of cores to use
cull_mesh_cpus_per_task = 18
# minimum of cores, below which the step fails
cull_mesh_min_cpus_per_task = 1
# maximum memory usage allowed (in MB)
cull_mesh_max_memory = 1000

# options for global ocean testcases

## config options related to the initial_state step
# number of cores to use
init_ntasks = 4
# minimum of cores, below which the step fails
init_min_tasks = 1

# the approximate number of cells in the mesh
approx_cell_count = 7400

## metadata related to the mesh
# the prefix (e.g. QU, EC, WC, SO)
prefix = QU
# a description of the mesh
mesh_description = MPAS quasi-uniform mesh for E3SM version ${e3sm_version} at
                   ${min_res}-km global resolution with <<<levels>>> vertical

# E3SM version that the mesh is intended for
e3sm_version = 3
# The revision number of the mesh, which should be incremented each time the
# mesh is revised
mesh_revision = 1
# the minimum (finest) resolution in the mesh
min_res = 240
# the maximum (coarsest) resolution in the mesh, can be the same as min_res
max_res = 240
# The URL of the pull request documenting the creation of the mesh
pull_request = <<<Missing>>>

The vertical grid is a tanh_dz profile (see Vertical coordinate) with 16 vertical levels ranging in thickness from 3 to 500 m.

Icos240 and IcoswISC240

The Icos240 mesh is a subdivided icosahedral mesh with 240-km resolution using the compass.mesh.IcosahedralMeshStep class. The IcoswISC240 mesh is identical except that it includes the cavities below ice shelves in the ocean domain. Aside from the base mesh, these are identical to QU240 and QUwISC240.

QU, QUwISC, Icos and IcoswISC

The generalized QU and Icos meshes are quasi-uniform meshes with user-defined resolutions (120 km by default). The QUwISC and IcoswISC meshes are identical except that they include the cavities below ice shelves in the ocean domain. The classes compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.mesh.qu.QUMeshFromConfigStep and compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.mesh.qu.IcosMeshFromConfigStep create the QU and Icos base meshes, respectively (with or without ice-shelf cavities). The compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.mesh.qu module includes config and namelist options appropriate for initialization and forward simulations with split-explicit (but not RK4) time integration on these meshes. The number of target and minimum number of MPI tasks, and also the baroclinic and barotropic time steps are set algorithmically based on the number of cells in the mesh and its resolution.

The default config options for these meshes are:

# Options related to the vertical grid

# the type of vertical grid
grid_type = index_tanh_dz

# Number of vertical levels
vert_levels = 64

# Depth of the bottom of the ocean
bottom_depth = 5500.0

# The minimum layer thickness
min_layer_thickness = 10.0

# The maximum layer thickness
max_layer_thickness = 250.0

# The characteristic number of levels over which the transition between
# the min and max occurs
transition_levels = 28

# options for global ocean testcases

## metadata related to the mesh
# the prefix (e.g. QU, EC, WC, SO)
prefix = QU

# a description of the mesh
mesh_description = MPAS quasi-uniform mesh for E3SM version ${e3sm_version} at
                   ${min_res}-km global resolution with <<<levels>>> vertical

# E3SM version that the mesh is intended for
e3sm_version = 3
# The revision number of the mesh, which should be incremented each time the
# mesh is revised
mesh_revision = <<<Missing>>>
# the minimum (finest) resolution in the mesh
min_res = ${qu_resolution}
# the maximum (coarsest) resolution in the mesh, can be the same as min_res
max_res = ${qu_resolution}
# The URL of the pull request documenting the creation of the mesh
pull_request = <<<Missing>>>

# the resolution of the QU or Icos mesh in km
qu_resolution = 120

The Icos and IcoswISC meshes have these config options that replace the corresponding QU config options above:

# options for global ocean testcases

## metadata related to the mesh
# the prefix (e.g. QU, EC, WC, SO)
prefix = Icos

# a description of the mesh
mesh_description = MPAS subdivided icosahedral mesh for E3SM version
                   ${e3sm_version} at ${min_res}-km global resolution with
                   <<<levels>>> vertical level

The vertical grid is an index_tanh_dz profile (see Vertical coordinate) with 64 vertical levels ranging in thickness from 10 to 250 m.

The resolution of the mesh is controlled by qu_resolution.

EC30to60 and ECwISC30to60

The EC30to60 mesh is an “eddy-closure” mesh with 30-km resolution at the equator, 60-km resolution at mid latitudes, and 35-km resolution at the poles. The mesh resolution is purely a function of latitude. The ECwISC30to60 mesh is identical except that it includes the cavities below ice shelves in the ocean domain.

The class compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.mesh.ec30to60.EC30to60BaseMesh defines the resolution for both meshes. The compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.mesh.ec30to60 module includes namelist options appropriate for forward simulations with split-explicit (but not RK4) time integration on these meshes. These set the time step and default run duration for short runs with these meshes.

The default config options for these meshes are:

# Options related to the vertical grid

# the type of vertical grid
grid_type = index_tanh_dz

# Number of vertical levels
vert_levels = 64

# Depth of the bottom of the ocean
bottom_depth = 5500.0

# The minimum layer thickness
min_layer_thickness = 10.0

# The maximum layer thickness
max_layer_thickness = 250.0

# The characteristic number of levels over which the transition between
# the min and max occurs
transition_levels = 28

# options for global ocean testcases

# the approximate number of cells in the mesh
approx_cell_count = 240000

## metadata related to the mesh
# the prefix (e.g. QU, EC, WC, SO)
prefix = EC
# a description of the mesh and initial condition
mesh_description = MPAS Eddy Closure mesh for E3SM version ${e3sm_version} with
                   enhanced resolution around the equator (30 km), South pole
                   (35 km), Greenland (${min_res} km), ${max_res}-km resolution
                   at mid latitudes, and <<<levels>>> vertical levels
# E3SM version that the mesh is intended for
e3sm_version = 3
# The revision number of the mesh, which should be incremented each time the
# mesh is revised
mesh_revision = 1
# the minimum (finest) resolution in the mesh
min_res = 30
# the maximum (coarsest) resolution in the mesh, can be the same as min_res
max_res = 60
# The URL of the pull request documenting the creation of the mesh
pull_request = <<<Missing>>>

The vertical grid is an index_tanh_dz profile (see Vertical coordinate) with 64 vertical levels ranging in thickness from 10 to 250 m.

Kuroshio8to60 and Kuroshio12to60

The Kuroshio8to60 and Kuroshio12to60 mehses are designed to explore dynamics of the Western Boundary Current (WBC) in the North Pacific Ocean, the Kuroshio.

The class compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.mesh.kuroshio.KuroshioBaseMesh defines the resolution for the meshes, where the finest resolution comes from the min_res config option in the [global_ocean] section of the config file.

The compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.mesh.kuroshio8to60 and compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.mesh.kuroshio12to60 modules include namelist options appropriate for forward simulations with split-explicit (but not RK4) time integration on these meshes. These set the time step and default run duration for short runs with these meshes.

Except for min_res, default config options for these meshes come from a shared config file in the compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.mesh.kuroshio module:

# options related to the vertical grid

# the type of vertical grid
grid_type = 60layerPHC

# options for global ocean testcases

## metadata related to the mesh
# the prefix (e.g. QU, EC, WC, SO, Kuroshio)
prefix = Kuroshio
# a description of the mesh and initial condition
mesh_description = MPAS Kuroshio regionally refined mesh for E3SM version
                   ${e3sm_version} with enhanced resolution (${min_res} km) in
                   Kuroshio-Oyashio Extension, 45-km resolution in the mid latitudes,
                   30-km resolution in a 15-degree band around the equator, 60-km
                   resolution in northern mid latitudes, 30 km in the north
                   Atlantic and 35 km in the Arctic.  This mesh has <<<levels>>>
                   vertical levels.
# E3SM version that the mesh is intended for
e3sm_version = 3
# The revision number of the mesh, which should be incremented each time the
# mesh is revised
mesh_revision = 1
# the maximum (coarsest) resolution in the mesh, can be the same as min_res
max_res = 60
# the URL of the pull request documenting the creation of the mesh
pull_request =

The vertical grid is a 60layerPHC profile (see Vertical coordinate) with 60 vertical levels ranging in thickness from 10 to 250 m.

RRS6to18 and RRSwISC6to18

The RRS6to18 and RRSwISC6to18 Rossby-radius-scaling (RRS) meshes are the E3SM v3 “high resolution” meshes. They have resolution that scales as a function of latitude approximately with the Rossby radius of deformation from 6 km at the poles to 18 km at the equator.

The class compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.mesh.rrs6to18.RRS6to18BaseMesh defines the resolution for the meshes. The compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.mesh.rrs6to18 module includes namelist options appropriate for forward simulations with split-explicit (but not RK4) time integration on these meshes. These set the time step and default run duration for short runs with these meshes.

The default config options for these meshes are:

# Options related to the vertical grid

# the type of vertical grid
grid_type = 80layerE3SMv1

# options for spherical meshes

# Whether to convert the culled mesh file to CDF5 format
convert_culled_mesh_to_cdf5 = True

# Options relate to adjusting the sea-surface height or land-ice pressure
# below ice shelves to they are dynamically consistent with one another

# Whether to convert adjusted initial condition files to CDF5 format during
# ssh adjustment under ice shelves
convert_to_cdf5 = True

# options for global ocean testcases

# minimum number of vertical levels, both in the open ocean and in ice-shelf
# cavities
min_levels = 8

# minimum thickness of layers in ice-shelf cavities
cavity_min_layer_thickness = 2.5

## config options related to the initial_state step
# number of cores to use
init_ntasks = 512
# minimum of cores, below which the step fails
init_min_tasks = 64
# The number of cores per task in init mode -- used to avoid running out of
# memory where needed
init_cpus_per_task = 4
# whether to update PIO tasks and stride
init_update_pio = False

# whether to update PIO tasks and stride
forward_update_pio = False

# the approximate number of cells in the mesh
approx_cell_count = 4000000

## metadata related to the mesh
# the prefix (e.g. QU, EC, WC, SO)
prefix = RRS
# a description of the mesh and initial condition
mesh_description = MPAS Eddy Closure mesh for E3SM version ${e3sm_version} with
                   enhanced resolution around the equator (30 km), South pole
                   (35 km), Greenland (${min_res} km), ${max_res}-km resolution
                   at mid latitudes, and ${levels} vertical levels
# E3SM version that the mesh is intended for
e3sm_version = 3
# The revision number of the mesh, which should be incremented each time the
# mesh is revised
mesh_revision = 1
# the minimum (finest) resolution in the mesh
min_res = 6
# the maximum (coarsest) resolution in the mesh, can be the same as min_res
max_res = 18
# The URL of the pull request documenting the creation of the mesh
pull_request = <<<Missing>>>

# config options related to remapping topography to an MPAS-Ocean mesh

# the target and minimum number of MPI tasks to use in remapping
ntasks = 4096
min_tasks = 2048

# The io section describes options related to file i/o

# the NetCDF file format: NETCDF4, NETCDF4_CLASSIC, NETCDF3_64BIT, or
format = NETCDF4

# the NetCDF output engine: netcdf4 or scipy
engine = netcdf4

# config options related to initial condition and diagnostics support files
# for E3SM

# The minimum and maximum cells per core for creating graph partitions
max_cells_per_core = 30000
# We're seeing gpmetis failures for more than 750,000 tasks so we'll stay under
min_cells_per_core = 6

The vertical grid is a 80LayerE3SMv1 profile (see Vertical coordinate) with 80 vertical levels ranging in thickness from 2 to 150 m.

Because of the large number of cells in these meshes, they have various requirement that other meshes do not.

MPAS-ocean file output needs to be in CDF-5 format. This is handled by adding io_type="pnetcdf,cdf5" to output streams.

Python NetCDF file output needs to be in NETCDF4 format. In in the sea surface height adjustment step (see init test case), adjusted initial condition files need to first be written out in NETCDF4 format and then converted to CDF-5 format, which is accomplished by setting the convert_to_cdf5 = True config option.

During initialization, the Haney-number vertical coordinate was not converging. This has been fixed by increasing the relative weights for smoothing and the z-star coordinate relative to the slope. It also helped to increase the number of inner iterations and to smooth over more open ocean cells. Given the higher surface resolution of the 80-layer RRS vertical coordinate.

config_rx1_inner_iter_count = 20
config_rx1_horiz_smooth_weight = 10.0
config_rx1_vert_smooth_weight = 10.0
config_rx1_slope_weight = 1e-1
config_rx1_zstar_weight = 10.0
config_rx1_horiz_smooth_open_ocean_cells = 40
config_rx1_min_layer_thickness = 0.1
SO12to30 and SOwISC12to30

The SO12to30 and SOwISC12to30 meshes are Southern Ocean regionally refined meshes with 12-km resolution around the Southern Ocean and Antarctica and have 30-km resoltuion elsewhere.

The class compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.mesh.so12to30.SO12to30BaseMesh defines the resolution for the meshes. The compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.mesh.so12to30 module includes namelist options appropriate for forward simulations with split-explicit (but not RK4) time integration on these meshes. These set the time step and default run duration for short runs with these meshes.

The default config options for these meshes are:

# Options related to the vertical grid

# the type of vertical grid
grid_type = index_tanh_dz

# Number of vertical levels
vert_levels = 64

# Depth of the bottom of the ocean
bottom_depth = 5500.0

# The minimum layer thickness
min_layer_thickness = 10.0

# The maximum layer thickness
max_layer_thickness = 250.0

# The characteristic number of levels over which the transition between
# the min and max occurs
transition_levels = 28

# options for global ocean testcases

# the approximate number of cells in the mesh
approx_cell_count = 570000

## metadata related to the mesh
# the prefix (e.g. QU, EC, WC, SO)
prefix = SO
# a description of the mesh and initial condition
mesh_description = MPAS Southern Ocean regionally refined mesh for E3SM version
                ${e3sm_version} with enhanced resolution (${min_res} km) around
                Antarctica and 30 km elsewhere.  This mesh has <<<levels>>>
                vertical levels and includes cavities under the ice shelves
                around Antarctica.
# E3SM version that the mesh is intended for
e3sm_version = 3
# The revision number of the mesh, which should be incremented each time the
# mesh is revised
mesh_revision = 2
# the minimum (finest) resolution in the mesh
min_res = 12
# the maximum (coarsest) resolution in the mesh, can be the same as min_res
max_res = 30
# The URL of the pull request documenting the creation of the mesh
pull_request =

# config options related to initial condition and diagnostics support files
# for E3SM

# CMIP6 grid resolution
cmip6_grid_res = 180x360

The vertical grid is an index_tanh_dz profile (see Vertical coordinate) with 64 vertical levels ranging in thickness from 10 to 250 m.

WC14 and WCwISC14

The WC14 and WCwISC14 meshes are the Water Cycle regionally refined meshes for E3SM v3. They have higher resolution (~14-km) around the continental US, the Arctic Ocean, and a section of the North Atlantic containing the Gulf Stream. The resolution elsewhere varies between 35 km at the South Pole to 60 km at mid latitudes, with a band of 30-km resolution around the equator.

The class compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.mesh.wc14.WC14BaseMesh defines the resolution for the meshes. The compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.mesh.wc14 module includes namelist options appropriate for forward simulations with split-explicit (but not RK4) time integration on these meshes. These set the time step and default run duration for short runs with these meshes.

The default config options for these meshes are:

# Options related to the vertical grid

# the type of vertical grid
grid_type = index_tanh_dz

# Number of vertical levels
vert_levels = 64

# Depth of the bottom of the ocean
bottom_depth = 5500.0

# The minimum layer thickness
min_layer_thickness = 10.0

# The maximum layer thickness
max_layer_thickness = 250.0

# The characteristic number of levels over which the transition between
# the min and max occurs
transition_levels = 28

# options for global ocean testcases

# the approximate number of cells in the mesh
approx_cell_count = 410000

## metadata related to the mesh
# the prefix (e.g. QU, EC, WC, SO)
prefix = WC
# a description of the mesh and initial condition
mesh_description = MPAS North America and Arctic Focused Water Cycle mesh for E3SM version
                   ${e3sm_version}, with a focused ${min_res}-km resolution
                   around North America and <<<levels>>> vertical levels

# E3SM version that the mesh is intended for
e3sm_version = 3
# The revision number of the mesh, which should be incremented each time the
# mesh is revised
mesh_revision = 1
# the minimum (finest) resolution in the mesh
min_res = 14
# the maximum (coarsest) resolution in the mesh, can be the same as min_res
max_res = 60
# The URL of the pull request documenting the creation of the mesh
pull_request =

# config options related to initial condition and diagnostics support files
# for E3SM

# CMIP6 grid resolution
cmip6_grid_res = 180x360

The vertical grid is an index_tanh_dz profile (see Vertical coordinate) with 64 vertical levels ranging in thickness from 10 to 250 m.

init test case

The class compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.init.Init defines a test case for creating a global initial condition using MPAS-Ocean’s init mode. Currently there are 3 choices for the potential temperature and salinity fields used for initialization:

  • the World Ocean Atlas 2023 (WOA23) climatology from 1991-2020

  • the Polar science center Hydrographic Climatology (PHC)

  • the UK MetOffice’s EN4 estimated climatology for the year 1900 (EN4_1900).

In its configure() method, Init brings in config options related to the mesh (e.g. metadata) by calling compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.mesh.Mesh.configure().

The test case includes 5 namelist replacement files and 3 streams files. namelist.init and streams.init modify the namelist options and set up the streams needed for the test case, regardless of the particular test group. namelist.woa23, namelist.phc and namelist.en4_1900 set namelist options specific to those 3 sets of input files. namelist.wisc and streams.wisc configure the test case for meshes that include Ice-shelf cavities.

The class compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.init.initial_state.InitialState defines the step for creating the initial state, including defining the topography, wind stress, shortwave, potential temperature, salinity, and ecosystem input data files.

If a mesh has ice-shelf cavities, iterative adjustment of the sea-surface height is performed to prevent tsunamis in forward runs.

First, a step defined by compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.init.ssh_from_surface_density.SshFromSurfaceDensity is called to update the ssh variable in the topography dataset based on the surface pressure, rather than the constant reference density.

Then, for each iteration, first a new InitialState step is called with the updated ssh. Next, a step with the compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.init.ssh_adjustment.SshAdjustment class is called to perform a short (typically 1-hour) forward run. The ssh at the end of that run, masked to be modified only under ice shelves, is used as the new ssh for the next iteration. The idea is that the main cause of dynamics in the sea-surface height in the first hour of simulation is due to the hydrostatic imbalance between landIcePressure and ssh, and that this can be reduced by updating the ssh with this iterative procedure.

Finally, another InitialState step creates the initial condition to be used in subsequent forward simulations in Compass.

The class compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.init.remap_ice_shelf_melt.RemapIceShelfMelt defines a step that remaps melt rates from the satellite-derived dataset from Paolo et al. (2023).

If the test case is being compared with a baseline, the potential temperature, salinity, and layerThickness are compared with those in the baseline initial condition to make sure they are identical. In simulations with ice-shelf cavities, the SSH and land-ice pressure are compared against the baseline.

performance_test test case

The class compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.performance_test.PerformanceTest defines a test case for performing 1 or 2 short MPAS-Ocean simulations as “smoke tests” to make sure nothing is clearly wrong with the configuration.

If ice-shelf cavities are not present, the test case includes 1 forward step.

In configurations with ice-shelf cavities, the test performs 2 short forward runs, one with prognostic ice-shelf melt fluxes and one with “data” ice shelf melt fluxes derived from satellite observations.

The module includes namelist.wisc and streams.wisc, which enable melt fluxes below ice shelves and write out related fields if the mesh includes Ice-shelf cavities.

If a baseline is provided, prognostic variables and ice-shelf melt fluxes (if ice-shelf cavities are included in the mesh) are compared with a baseline, and the time integration timer is compared with that of the baseline.

restart_test test case

The class compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.restart_test.RestartTest defines a test case for comparing a full_run of a longer duration with a restart_run that is made up of two segments if half the duration with a restart in between. The length of the full and restart runs depends on the time integrator. For the split-explicit integrator, an 8-hour full run is compared with two 4-hour segments in the restart run. For the RK4 integrator, the full run is 20 minutes long, while the restart segments are each 10 minutes. The test case ensures that the main prognostic variables—temperature, salinity, layerThickness and normalVelocity—are identical at the end of the two runs (as well as with a baseline if one is provided when calling compass setup).

The various steps and time integrators are configured with namelist.<time_integrator>.<step> and streams.<time_integrator>.<step> namelist replacements and streams files.

decomp_test test case

The class compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.decomp_test.DecompTest defines a test case that performs a short run once on 4 cores and once on 8 cores. It ensures that temperature, salinity, layerThickness and normalVelocity are identical at the end of the two runs (as well as with a baseline if one is provided when calling compass setup).

The duration of the run depends on the mesh and time integrator. For the QU240 and QUwISC240 meshes (the only meshes that this test case is currently being generated for), the duration is 6 hours for the split-explicit integrator and 10 minutes for RK4.

threads_test test case

The class compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.threads_test.ThreadsTest defines a test case that performs a short run once on 4 cores, each with 1 thread and once on 4 cores, each with 2 threads. It ensures that temperature, salinity, layerThickness and normalVelocity are identical at the end of the two runs (as well as with a baseline if one is provided when calling compass setup).

The duration of the run depends on the mesh and time integrator. For the QU240 and QUwISC240 meshes (the only meshes that this test case is currently being generated for), the duration is 6 hours for the split-explicit integrator and 10 minutes for RK4.

analysis_test test case

The class compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.analysis_test.AnalysisTest defines a test case that performs a short run with 14 analysis members (see analysis_test test case in the User’s Guide). The namelist.forward and streams.forward files ensure that the analysis members are enabled and that the appropriate output is written out. The test ensures that the prognostic variables as well as a few variables from each analysis member are identical to those from the baseline if one is provided when calling compass setup.

The duration of the run depends on the mesh and time integrator. For the QU240 and QUwISC240 meshes (the only meshes that this test case is currently being generated for), the duration is 6 hours for the split-explicit integrator and 10 minutes for RK4.

daily_output_test test case

The class compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.daily_output_test.DailyOutputTest defines a test case that performs a 1-day run with the timeSeriesStatsDaily analysis members (see daily_output_test test case in the User’s Guide). The namelist.forward and streams.forward files ensure that the analysis member are enabled and that the appropriate output (the E3SM defaults for the timeSeriesStatsMonthly analysis member) is written out. The test ensures that the time average of the prognostic variables as well as the sea-surface height are identical to those from the baseline if one is provided when calling compass setup.

dynamic_adjustment test case

The class compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.dynamic_adjustment.DynamicAdjustment descends from forward test case and defines a test case for performing a series of forward model runs in sequence to allow the ocean model to dynamically adjust to the initial condition. This process involves a rapid increase in ocean velocity, the dissipation of fast-moving waves, and adjustment of the sea-surface height to be in balance with the dynamic pressure (see dynamic_adjustment test case in the User’s Guide). This process typically require smaller times steps and artificial friction.

The restart_filenames attribute keeps track of a sequence of restart files used in each step of the adjustment process. The final restart file is used in the files_for_e3sm test case.

The test case also takes care of validating the output from the final simulation step, comparing temperature, salinity, layerThickness, and normalVelocity with a baseline if one is provided.

Each mesh needs to have a dynamic_adjustment.yaml (for the split-explicit time integrator) and optionally a dynamic_adjustment_rk4.yaml (if there is need to support dynamic adjustment with the RK4 time integrator). The YAML file defines some shared properties of each dynamic adjustment step and a list of properties (related to namelist options) for each step. Here is and example:

  land_ice_flux_mode: data
  get_dt_from_min_res: False

      run_duration: 10_00:00:00
      output_interval: 10_00:00:00
      restart_interval: 10_00:00:00
      dt: 00:15:00
      btr_dt: 00:00:30
      Rayleigh_damping_coeff: 1.0e-4

      run_duration: 10_00:00:00
      output_interval: 10_00:00:00
      restart_interval: 10_00:00:00
      dt: 00:15:00
      btr_dt: 00:00:30
      Rayleigh_damping_coeff: 1.0e-5

      run_duration: 10_00:00:00
      output_interval: 10_00:00:00
      restart_interval: 10_00:00:00
      dt: 00:20:00
      btr_dt: 00:00:40
      Rayleigh_damping_coeff: 1.0e-6

      run_duration: 10_00:00:00
      output_interval: 10_00:00:00
      restart_interval: 10_00:00:00
      dt: 00:30:00
      btr_dt: 00:01:00
      Rayleigh_damping_coeff: None

The land_ice_flux_mode only matters for versions of the mesh with ice-shelf cavities. Fluxes below ice shelves can be off (land_ice_flux_mode: pressure_only), prognostic (land_ice_flux_mode: standalone), or come from data (land_ice_flux_mode: data, the suggested approach). All steps run with the same land_ice_flux_mode.

The option get_dt_from_min_res determines whether the time step is determined automatically from the mesh resolution or is specified in each step. Typically, meshes will use get_dt_from_min_res: False unless they have been generalized to support a range of resolutions, like the QU, QUwISC, Icos and IcoswISC.

Under steps:, each step can be named as you like except that the final step must be called simulation. The convention for the other steps is to name and number them damped_adjustment_<n>. There can be any number of damping steps, each of which typically define:

      run_duration: 10_00:00:00
      output_interval: 10_00:00:00
      restart_interval: 10_00:00:00
      dt: 00:15:00
      btr_dt: 00:00:30
      Rayleigh_damping_coeff: 1.0e-4

Most of these entries are required. The run_duration is the length of the simulation. The output_interval is the frequency of output to the file, which contains basic prognostic variables: temperature, salinity, layer thickness and normal velocity. The restart_interval is the frequency at which restart files are written out. Note that it is important that there be an integer number of restart intervals from the beginning of the dynamic adjustment to the start of the current step, which limits the flexibility in selecting the restart interval.

Typically, a goal of dynamic adjustment is to begin with a smaller baroclinic time step dt and the barotropic time step btr_dt (not applicable for RK4 time integration) and increase the values in subsequent damped adjustment steps. The values in the simulation step should typically be the same as what the mesh will use in E3SM production runs.

Another goal of dynamic adjustment is to reduce the Rayleigh_damping_coeff from a relatively high number (often 1.0e-3 or 1.0e-4) to nothing. The Rayleigh friction is a linear damping on the momentum that can reduce the amplitude and speed of fast barotropic waves as the ocean spins up from rest. For steps where Rayleigh friction should be turned off, you can either omit the line with Rayleigh_damping_coeff or use Rayleigh_damping_coeff: None. The latter is slightly preferred because it is more explicit.

files_for_e3sm test case

After running a dynamic_adjustment test case, files can be prepared for use as E3SM ocean and sea-ice initial conditions using the test case defined in compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.files_for_e3sm.FilesForE3SM. Output files from the test case are symlinked in a directory within the test case called assembled_files. See files_for_e3sm test case in the User’s Guide for more details. Output file names involve the “mesh short name”, see metadata.

The test case is constructed with an argument restart_filename, the final restart file produced by the dynamic_adjustment test case for the given mesh.

The test case is made up of 10 steps:


uses variables from the ocean initial condition and computes others to create an ocean mesh file (with both horizontal and vertical coordinate information), creating a symlink at assembled_files/inputdata/share/meshes/mpas/ocean/<mesh_short_name>.<datestamp>.nc


takes out the xtime variable from the restart file, creating a symlink at assembled_files/inputdata/ocn/mpas-o/<mesh_short_name>/mpaso.<mesh_short_name>.<datestamp>.nc


computes graph partitions (see Model) appropriate for a wide range of core counts between min_graph_size = int(nCells / 30000) and max_graph_size = int(nCells / 2). About 400 different processor counts are produced for each mesh (keeping only counts with small prime factors). Symlinks to the graph files are placed at assembled_files/inputdata/ocn/mpas-o/<mesh_short_name>/partitions/<datestamp>.part.<core_count>


uses variables from the ocean initial condition to create a sea-ice mesh file (with horizontal coordinate information), creating a symlink at assembled_files/inputdata/share/meshes/mpas/sea-ice/<mesh_short_name>.<datestamp>.nc


extracts the following variables from the restart file:

keep_vars = ['areaCell', 'cellsOnCell', 'edgesOnCell', 'fCell',
             'indexToCellID', 'latCell', 'lonCell', 'meshDensity',
             'nEdgesOnCell', 'verticesOnCell', 'xCell', 'yCell', 'zCell',
             'angleEdge', 'cellsOnEdge', 'dcEdge', 'dvEdge', 'edgesOnEdge',
             'fEdge', 'indexToEdgeID', 'latEdge', 'lonEdge',
             'nEdgesOnCell', 'nEdgesOnEdge', 'verticesOnEdge',
             'weightsOnEdge', 'xEdge', 'yEdge', 'zEdge', 'areaTriangle',
             'cellsOnVertex', 'edgesOnVertex', 'fVertex',
             'indexToVertexID', 'kiteAreasOnVertex', 'latVertex',
             'lonVertex', 'xVertex', 'yVertex', 'zVertex']

if with_ice_shelf_cavities:

A symlink to the resulting file is placed at assembled_files/inputdata/ocn/mpas-seaice/<mesh_short_name>/mpassi.<mesh_short_name>.<datestamp>.nc


computes graph partitions (see Model) appropriate for a wide range of core counts between min_graph_size = int(nCells / 30000) and max_graph_size = int(nCells / 2). The sea-ice graph partitions include cells for each processor in both polar and equatorial regions for better load balancing. See Graph partitioning from the MPAS-Tools documentation for details. About 400 different processor counts are produced for each mesh (keeping only counts with small prime factors). Symlinks to the graph files are placed at assembled_files/inputdata/ice/mpas-seaice/<mesh_short_name>/partitions/<datestamp>.part.<core_count>


generates a SCRIP file (see files_for_e3sm test case in the User’s guide) describing the MPAS-Ocean mesh. If ice-shelf cavities are included, the step also generates a SCRIP file without the ice-shelf cavities for use in coupling components that do not interact with ice-shelf cavities (atmosphere, land and sea-ice components).

Symlinks are placed in assembled_files/inputdata/ocn/mpas-o/<mesh_short_name> If ice-shelf cavities are present, the two symlinks are named ocean.<mesh_short_name>.nomask.scrip.<creation_date>.nc and ocean.<mesh_short_name>.mask.scrip.<creation_date>.nc. Otherwise, only one file is symlinked, and it is named ocean.<mesh_short_name>.scrip.<creation_date>.nc


creates mapping files for e3sm_to_cmip.

Mapping files are created from the MPAS-Ocean and -Seaice mesh to a standard 1-degree latitude-longitude grid using three methods: aave (conservative), mono (monotonic) and nco (NCO’s conservative algorithm). The mapping files are symlinked in the directory assembled_files/diagnostics/maps/.


creates mapping files for MPAS-Analysis.

Mapping files are created from the MPAS-Ocean and -Seaice mesh to 7 standard comparison grids. Mapping files are created from both cells and vertices on the MPAS mesh. The vertex maps are needed for quantities like the barotropic streamfunction in MPAS-Ocean and ice speed in MPAS-Seaice. The mapping files are symlinked in the directory assembled_files/diagnostics/mpas_analysis/maps/.


creates regions masks for E3SM analysis members and MPAS-Analysis.

Region masks are created using geometric_features.aggregation.get_aggregator_by_name() for the following region groups:

region_groups = ['Antarctic Regions', 'Arctic Ocean Regions',
                 'Arctic Sea Ice Regions', 'Ocean Basins',
                 'Ocean Subbasins', 'ISMIP6 Regions',
                 'Transport Transects']

If ice-shelf cavities are present in the mesh, the Ice Shelves regions are also included. The resulting region masks are symlinked in the directory assembled_files/diagnostics/mpas_analysis/region_masks/ and named <mesh_short_name>_<region_group><ref_date>.nc

Masks are also created for the meridional overturning circulation (MOC) basins and the transects representing their southern boundaries. The resulting region mask is in the same directory as above, and named <mesh_short_name>


is used to remap ice-shelf melt rates from the dataset of Paolo et al. (2023) to the MPAS mesh. This dataset is used in E3SM for DISMF (data ice-shelf melt flux) compsets.


is used to remap sea-surface salinity from the Polar science center Hydrographic Climatology (PHC) to the MPAS mesh. This dataset is used in E3SM for compsets with data atmospheric/land forcing.


is used to remap freshwater fluxes from an iceberg climatology from Merino et al. (2016) to the MPAS mesh. This dataset is used in E3SM for compsets with data iceberg freshwater fluxes (DIB).


is used to remap the RMS tidal velocity taken from the CATS 2008 tidal model to the MPAS mesh. This RMS tidal velocity field can optionally be used in the sub-ice-shelf melt parameterization.


is used to do a one-time-step forward run to write out coefficients coeff_reconstruct for reconstructing vector fields at cell centers from normal values at edges. These can be used in combination with the

files_for_e3sm for an existing mesh

The test case ocean/global_ocean/files_for_e3sm can be used to create all the same files as in files_for_e3sm test case but for an existing mesh. To point to the existing mesh and associated graph file, the following config options must be specified (typically by editing files_for_e3sm.cfg after setting up the test case):

# config options related to initial condition and diagnostics support files
# for E3SM

# the absolute path or relative path with respect to the test case's work
# directory of an ocean restart file on the given mesh
ocean_restart_filename = autodetect

# the absolute path or relative path with respect to the test case's work
# directory of a graph file that corresponds to the mesh
graph_filename = autodetect

The following will be detected from the metadata in the ocean restart file if present but can be set if needed:

# config options related to initial condition and diagnostics support files
# for E3SM

# the E3SM short name of the mesh or "autodetect" to use the
# MPAS_Mesh_Short_Name attribute of the mesh file
mesh_short_name = autodetect

# whether the mesh has ice-shelf cavities
with_ice_shelf_cavities = autodetect