The utility
test group is a general test group for ocean utilities that
may create datasets for other test groups to use. It is partly designed to
provide provenance for data processing that may be more complex than a single,
short script.
The ocean/utility/combine_topo
test case is used to combine the
BedMachine Antarctica v3
dataset with the GEBCO 2023
dataset. The result is on a 1/80 degree latitude-longitude grid. This utility
is intended for provenance. It is intended to doucment the process for
producing the topography dataset used for E3SM ocean meshes.
The ocean/utility/cull_restarts
test case is used to cull ice-shelf
cavities from MPAS-Ocean and -Seaice restart files. It is intended for
expert users wanting to create an E3SM branch run without ice-shelf cavities
from a previous run that included cavities.
The ocean/utility/extrap_woa
test case is used to extrapolate
WOA 2023 data into
ice-shelf cavities and coastal regions, then into land, grounded ice and below
bathymetry. It is provided mainly for developers to update for use on
future datasets and is not intended for users, so we do not provide full
documentation here.