The spherical_harmonic_transform
test group implements
See spherical_harmonic_transform in the User’s Guide for
more details.
The compass.ocean.tests.spherical_harmonic_transform.qu_convergence.QuConvergence
Performs a series of spherical harmonic transformations on an
analytical function for various orders. The truncation error
of each approximation order is compared with the original function.
The resolution of the sphere also varies (by default, 60 and 30 km).
Both the “serial” and “parallel” implemntations are used.
See spherical_harmonic_transform for config options and
more details on the test case.
The class compass.ocean.tests.spherical_harmonic_transform.qu_convergence.mesh
defines a step for building a global mesh with uniform resolution using
The class compass.ocean.tests.spherical_harmonic_transform.qu_convergence.init
defines a step for runnining MPAS-Ocean for the test_sht
configuration to perform the spherical harmonic transform.
The class compass.ocean.tests.spherical_harmonic_transform.qu_convergence.analysis
defines a step for plotting the truncation error convergence for the
orders and resolutions run. The file produced is convergence.png